Sikhi Camp at the Jakarta Gurmat School

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Fun, frolic and Gurmat learning at a Sikhi camp in Jakarta makes kids and students learn Sikhi basics and team spirit.

A Sikhi training camp was held by the Jakarta Gurmat School from 1-3 July last year at Gurdwara Guru Nanak, Jakarta attended by over 40 teenagers -boys and girls. Children of the Gurmat school participated in the camp.  The teachers of Gurmat School Jakarta and a few parents really put in great effort and time to make the camp a success.

A day before the start of the camp, students came all parts and after registration, settled down for activities for the next day. Students were divided into 4 Jathas of 10 students each, all of whom sleept in halls separately for boys and girls.

Early morning at 5 am, we did Simran, Paath of Nitnem -Panj Bania with our Gianiji in the Gurdwara Sahib. Then we had breakfast and started our programme for that day. We had many fun games such as Amazing Race and Kabaddi that were both educational and exciting. We learnt many things from those games. We were taught how to work well and how to cooperate in a team.

Sikhi Camp

We also conducted several exercises like little bhangra moves and little gymnastics too, with a dhol player. We also had classes in our camp for us to learn more about Gurmukhi. At 5 pm, every day, we had a break where we could have some rest and drink cha with our friends. At 6 pm we converged again in the Darbar Sahib for Rehras Sahib. After that each jatha performed a drama about Sikhism that had some important message and moral and they were really fun to watch. On one of the days, before retiring to bed, we watched the movie Char Sahibzade.

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On the last and final day, we did Simran and Panj Bania Paath. After that, we had breakfast followed by Asa di Vaar Kirtan and Ardas.

We really enjoyed the camp as it was fun and we learned many new things about Sikhism.

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