4th Ludhiana Short Film Festival begins tomorrow

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To be inaugurated tomorrow by the famous director Manmohan Singh Ji “Mann”, the 4th Ludhiana Short Film Festival will begin at the Ishmeet Singh Music Institute featuring socially relevant films that will excite viewers and encourage young and emerging filmmakers. The afternoon session will witness the presence of leading environmentalist Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal.

The Ludhiana Film Festival began with the motive of providing a common platform for all stakeholders in film making which was non-existent prior to the first such film festival in 2015 in this emerging metropolis, the key industrial centre of Punjab.

Speaking about the origin of the film festival, Pardeep Singh told WSN that, “When I started making a short film in 2014, I observed that most creative Punjabi youth were engaged in making song and dance sequence and those too were in the arena of lecherousness and very cheap humour at the cost of Punjabis themselves. With the spirit of providing best short film to reconnect youth with their roots, Punjabi culture and language, this idea of a film festival took shape amongst like minded young filmmakers.”

This desire ultimately resulted in the formation of Our Space Cinema. Staged and managed by a non-profit organisation OurSpaceCinema, this body has had three successful film festivals.

Speaking to World Sikh News, the organiser of the festival, Pardeep Singh said that “In this year’s film festival, we are likely to showcase 20 to 25 best short films over a period of two days -8-9 December 2018.”

A new category -Films made by Students, has been added and will be screened separately to inspire young students turning to filmmaking as a career as well as those who see it as a tool for social change.

Film Festival organisers releasing Festival poster

While the film festival will provide access to a diverse audience from the city and beyond, it will be a platform for networking among filmmakers, artists and promoters of good cinema.

The team of ourspacecinema.com comprises Pardeep Singh, Premjit Sohal, Manmohan Vinayak, Jasbir Singh and Sunil Kumar.

A new virtual cinema world awaits keen film actors, directors, musicians, technicians on the website of ourspacecinema.com in this world of fast changing technology where even a good smartphone has the potential to make good.

World Sikh News is happy to be associated with as a media partner. We hope that what started as a small step towards good cinema will become the harbinger of change in the social and political life of the people of Punjab through meaningful cinema.

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Ludhiana, 7 December 2018, WSN News Desk

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