Anup Singh Wad­hwa -the Unani med­i­cine gen­tle­man

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Prit­pal Singh painfully shares per­sonal mem­o­ries of the Sikh lead­er­ship who were all killed in the re­cent sui­cide bomb at­tack in Jalal­abad. This is a trib­ute to the medic fam­ily man Anup Singh Wad­hwa. 

Anup  Singh Wad­hwa, one of the ca­su­alty of the hor­rific as­sault in Afghanistan, was an in­dis­pens­able mem­ber of Jalal­abad Gur­d­wara Man­age­ment.

He was suc­cess­fully run­ning a Greco-Ara­bic (Unani-Tibb) med­i­cine clinic. Most of his pa­tients came all over the Nan­garhar province.

 Read Also: Hindu Kush to Thames

Anup Singh, 42 has left be­hind a wife and four chil­dren.

Words seem in­ad­e­quate to ex­press the sad­ness we all feel los­ing Shahid Anup Singh Ji.

Anup Singh Wadhwa

 Read Also: Sikh na­tion ral­lies for Afghan Sikhs, Akalis meet en­voy in Delhi

Afghan Sikhs

 Read Also: Afghan Sikhs killed, Sikhs protest, seek an­swers from Mus­lim world


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