Artificial controversies deviate and distract from core Sikh objectives

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With the annual marking of Guru Gobind Singh’s birth anniversary in January, a few Sikhs, swoop down on the community in person, through writings and social media to create a fuss and commotion over dates, semantic issues followed by name-calling and mudslinging against those who do not toe “their line”.  Jagdeesh Singh calls for a moratorium on these issues and urges the community to focus on real message of the Gurus and community issues.

Stepping back from the arguments and contentions, just like with other issues like Raag-Mala, Dasam Granth, Panj Kakkaars, Missionary versus Taksali: I believe any intelligent and reasonable minded Sikh, can see that these are largely pontificating, pointless and distractionary disputes.

Almost artificial, and suspiciously projected into the Panjaabi-mainstream; whereas no attention is being paid to much more tangible and deeper life-affecting issues like rising suicides, brain drain and flight of youth from the Punjab. Deep inroads by suspiciously intrusive and conversionist Christian missionaries into the lives of poor Sikhs, entrenched and enduring caste oppression, continuing female abuse, alcohol and drugs crisis, mental health break-down and more.

“Fussing over an array of dates, and other such semantics, however passionate and seemingly well-meaning it may appear to be; does not actually add anything to the much more critical subjects of our current crisis as a stateless, dis-empowered people; riven with undemocratic and fraudulent practices in our community and nation building key institutions.”

If only there was such passion and energy directed into these tangible, day-to-day matters! The disproportionate energy spent on diversionary squabbles, is a direct deviation from the much more important and relevant objectives of meaningful Sikh development and Sikh internal democratic reform. Of cleansing out systemic corruption and malpractices in our Gurdwara misgovernance. Of liberating and re-establishing Sikh institutions on an independent and ethical footing. Of promoting and profiling Sikhs and Sikhism on an international level. Of addressing lingering unjust practices of caste and female discrimination among our community. And, not the least, the restoration of a secure sovereign territorial space for Sikhs and wider Panjaabis in the form of an independent Panjaab state. Jagdeesh Singh

Fussing over an array of dates, and other such semantics, however passionate and seemingly well-meaning it may appear to be; does not actually add anything to the much more critical subjects of our current crisis as a stateless, disempowered people; riven with undemocratic and fraudulent practices in our community and nation building key institutions.

Our pervasive self-destructive caste divisions, our disconnect with the Gurus value systems and practices of ethical gainful work –Kirt Kamai, caring and sharing –Vand ke Chakkna, and mental motivation from the one comprehensive source –Naam Japna :  are today our bane.

The purpose of ‘celebrating’ the birthdays of the Gurus or any key events in the lives of the Gurus, is much more than momentary ‘celebrations’ and instant ‘worship’ by going to the Gurdwara, bowing our heads and eating lots of luxurious langar food.

Key anniversaries and events in our glorious and rich history should be used to refresh ourselves individually and collectively about our place in this earthly world, our current position in the global power system, our role as individual humans, our ethics and duties as inspired by the Gurus and our endless past and present martyrs –Shaheeds.

Our interdependence as a people. Our fellowship and community with each other. Our shared history. Our current standing in Panjaab and the wider world. Our internal problems and defects in our family lives. Our Gurdwaras. Our statelessness and acute lack of recognition on a global level. Our dire disconnect with global media and global outreach.

Big minds and hearts think widely and globally! Petty minds feed on pettiness and triviality.  Our history bears testimony to the fact that Sikhs have a big heart and great minds. We must use that buoyant strength and focus to not allow ourselves to be distracted and dissipated by those creating confusion and spreading hatred on immaterial issues.

Jagdeesh Singh

The central driving force of our very being as a people is the core inspiration given to us by the Ten Gurus.  We are meant to be an ethical and inspired nation, driven by a core purpose in making the world within us and around us a better place. The Gurus brought to Panjaab an unequaled, comprehensive rejuvenation of our humanity.

This was based on ethical codes of thought and action; manifest in our Dastaar –the ever visible kingly turban, our Kirpan –the sword of justice and protection, our vibrant natural shape and form, our passionate struggles, our yearning for human rights and self-determination for us and all peoples alike -‘Sarbat da bhala’, our Gurdwaras –centres of excellence for grass-root community interaction and participation, our over-arching and all-inclusive Langar system –an all embracing model of societal caring and sharing;  our evocative and profound straight-forward earthly Sikh philosophy of life.

“It would be wonderful if we stop spending such wasteful effort and energy as we do on semantics and arguments.   During this entire year of 2019, let us take the 550th anniversary of the first true king, Guru Nanak, and commit to re-awakening, strengthening and spreading the great joy and inspiration of Sikhi within ourselves and with fellow humankind through daily acts of Sikhi-inspired kindness, equality and justice!”

Today the Panjaabi soul, Panjaabi language, Panjaabi indigenous culture, Panjaabi identity, Panjaabi peoplehood fights and struggles for its rights, independence and sovereignty because of the Sikhi substance injected into its bloodstream by the Gurus. The Gurus embraced our indigenous Panjaabi qualities of community, courage, passion, warmth and more, and forged us into a vibrant nation of egalitarian, saintly-bravehearts –Sant Siphahi.  

So when we think about the anniversaries, birthdays, critical defining events in our phenomenal history; let us make them daily inspirations to propel us into action, in whatever form we can! Let’s not treat them as a bygone past, to be left to written history! Let’s feel and apply the meaning and purpose of those occasions into our present moving lives, individually and as a collective people.

The Gurus embraced our indigenous Panjaabi qualities of community, courage, passion, warmth and more, and forged us into a vibrant nation of egalitarian, saintly-bravehearts -Sant Siphahi.  

The Panjaabi people gifted with Khaalsa qualities were never intended to become a mass of passive worshippers in religious buildings. They were to be a vibrant, self-reliant, moving, changing people; developing their lives, country and sharing their qualities with the world and embracing the good that the world had to given in return. Let us be that great vision that our Gurus had for us and from our continuous line of martyrs –Shaheeds, who have given their heart and soul to forge our road onwards!

It would be wonderful if we stop spending such wasteful effort and energy as we do on semantics and arguments.   During this entire year of 2019, let us take the 550th anniversary of the first true king, Guru Nanak, and commit to re-awakening, strengthening and spreading the great joy and inspiration of Sikhi within ourselves and with fellow humankind through daily acts of Sikhi-inspired kindness, equality and justice! Let it be the benchmark to be followed beyond 2019 too. Let us equally look at the rot and defects that are present within, and seek to pro-actively address those with joyful passion and urgency!

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It is the best way to celebrate the birth and life of both Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh – the totality of the Ten Gurus!

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