At Amritsar Labour20, Dal Khalsa’s Punjab Summit to raise stakes

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When the G20 gathers in Amritsar to hold the Labour20 summit, the Sikh body Dal Khalsa will hold a parallel Punjab Summit on 19 March, with the participation of representatives of Sikh organizations, scholars, farmer representatives and activists to highlight Punjab’s viewpoint on labour, social, economic, education, agriculture, human rights, and political aspects impacting the population of Punjab in particular and the Sikhs across the globe.

FOLLOWINGllowing up on the heels of a letter written to Delhi missions of the G20 participants, Dal Khalsa will hold a one-day Punjab Summit to deliberate upon how the G20 decisions, or the lack of them, will impact Punjab in various ways.

Speaking to the media, party political affairs secretary Kanwar Pal Singh said “The people of Punjab have many issues with New Delhi. We are raising them again as India has the presidency for a year and we want to see how serious India is about its role with respect to all nationalities and minorities.”

“India has a lot to answer. During its presidency, the Indian government is trying to present a goody-goody picture to the world, which in reality is contrary to the ground situation. This is a grim reminder that warrants the attention of the international community. All claims of democracy and justice fall flat when it comes to Sikhs and other oppressed peoples.”

“We are at receiving end and we have no other option left to us other than to approach the international community for support and intervention. He said in the light of our discussions and deliberations and in the larger interest of Panth and Punjab, a “State of The Punjab” document that will arise out of the deliberations on 19 March, will be prepared and sent to G-20 nations and the international community and UN forums, he added.

Party General Secretary Paramjit Singh Mand said the topics outlined for deliberations includes: Indian State meddling in Sikh religious affairs, Colonial/imperialist rule of India in Punjab, Disrespect and violations of Human Rights of Struggling nationalities, indigenous people and minorities, Present day Indian Government influenced under Hindutva ideology saffronizing the educational system and imposing one language, one culture on the religious and ethnic minorities, State’s injustice and discrimination to political prisoners, State engineering immigrant influx to change demography of Punjab, Impact of State policies on agricultural economies of the farming community, Opening of the Wagah border for trade and contribution for agriculture goods in a time of global food crisis, Role of the smuggler-politician-police nexus in flourishing drug menace, State portraying the struggle for the right to self-determination as a law-and-order problem and refusing to acknowledge it as a  political conflicts thirsting for political resolutions, In violation of riparian principle , the continued loot of natural resources especially river waters, Blackmailing or arm twisting of media to toe State’s line and thinking, snooping over social media, banning and disabling social media accounts of groups and individuals.

Clarifying their position, Dal Khalsa iterated that they welcome all G20 participants in true Punjabi tradition. Yet, it added, we cannot ignore the current status of Sikhs and the Punjab.

“It’s our role and responsibility to tell the G20 participants that while peace and progress go hand in hand, peace follows with justice and equity. Peace can’t be established when state repression and injustice is the order of the day.”

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