
Gurmeet Singh

31 posts

DSGMC Cooption Election banner

New DS­GMC Mem­bers Co-op­tion ses­sion on 9 Sep­tem­ber


The first meet­ing of the newly-elected 46 mem­bers of the Delhi Sikh Gur­d­wara Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee for co-op­tion will be held on 9 Sep­tem­ber 2021, presided over by the Di­rec­tor of the Di­rec­torate of Gur­d­wara Elec­tions. The list of Pres­i­dents of Singh Sab­has reg... More »

DSGMC Election queue

37.27 per­cent Delhi Sikhs cast votes for DS­GMC elec­tions


By 25 Au­gust evening, it will be clear as to who will be­come the ad­min­is­tra­tor and cus­to­dian of the Delhi Sikh Gur­d­wara Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee. 37.27 per cent of the Delhi Sikh cit­i­zens ex­er­cised their right to fran­chise, mostly in the post-lun­cheon ses­sion of t... More »