
Harnoor Kaur Gre­wal

2 posts


Mother Na­ture


Child-poet Harnoor Kaur Gre­wal is amazed and in­spired by the beauty of na­ture, the flora and fauna that sur­rounds hu­man so­ci­ety and its in­ter­play with the var­i­ous sea­sons en­rich­ing hu­man life. World Sikh News pre­sents this sec­ond poem of the young writer whose... More »

George Floyd portrait by Andrez Guzman Courtesy thecurrent.org

A Black Life


The bar­baric open-air death of John Floyd tele­vised world­wide stirred the con­sci­ence of those who had it. The #Black­Lives­Mat­ter move­ment put the colour prob­lem in per­spec­tive and many around the world iden­ti­fied with it. WSN pre­sents the heart­felt out­pour­ing o... More »