Less than two weeks into the storming of Darbar Sahib -the Golden Temple in Amritsar, editor of Sikh Messenger, and now The Lord Singh of Wimbledon CBE -Indarjit Singh, demolished Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s untruths and half-truths about the sacrile... More»
Last week, when British House of Lords debated the motion on challenges posed by religious intolerance and prejudice in the UK, which coincided with launch of the government’s ‘refresh’ of Action Against Hate (2016), Lord Singh of Wimbledon Indarjit Singh expr... More»
The 2020 referendum debate is far from over and we are seized with a 2021 challenge. It’s good that Sikhs are debating the crucial Sikh ethnicity issue. It as an evolvement of Sikh political thinking, but there has to be no room for name-calling and social med... More»
Responding to personal and collective suffering in war-zone areas, British Member of the House of Lords, Indarjit Singh philosophically mentions the need to follow the creed of Sarbat da Bhala to alleviate pain in his popular BBC 4 Thought for the day program.... More»
Taking the road less travelled, the learned Member of the House of Lords UK, Indarjit Singh, ably handles the sensitive issue of death and mayhem that follows violence of religious terrorism. Alluding to the fundamentals of the Sikh ethos, he frames a path to ... More»