
Inni Kaur

4 posts

Guru Nanak Has Come

Guru Nanak Has Come! Guru Nanak Has Come!


Cel­e­brat­ing the 146th birth an­niver­sary of Bhai Sahib Bhai Vir Singh -the sa­vant poet of Pun­jab, World Sikh News pre­sents the Eng­lish tran­scre­ation of a poem on Guru Nanak Sahib by this revered and tow­er­ing per­son­al­ity of Pun­jab. Apoet and artiste in her own r... More »

Guru Gobind Singh

Eye First or Glimpse of Kalgian Vala Guru Gob­ind Singh?


This Parkash Purab of the Tenth Sov­er­eign Guru Gob­ind Singh pause for a few mo­ments and read this amaz­ing poem of sa­vant poet Bhai Vir Singh, beau­ti­fully tran­scre­ated by il­lus­tri­ous au­thor Inni Kaur. En­joy the im­agery and yearn­ing of the seeker. This Parkash P... More »