Beet Jaa­ni­a’N -pangs of sep­a­ra­tion for The Black Prince

 -  -  141

Beau­ti­fully pic­turised and sung, this song will take you with Ma­haraja Duleep Singh on his jour­ney to go back to his king­dom.

Asoul-stir­ring song from The Black Prince (The Black Prince re­lives pride and ho­n­our of the Sikhs) wherein Ma­haraja Duleep Singh leaves be­hind his Chris­t­ian wife while leav­ing af­ter their last meet­ing at Yemen. Duleep Singh ven­tures to go in search of his king­dom.

It is an amaz­ing amal­gam of Pun­jabi and Eng­lish and a mu­si­cal treat to­tally dif­fer­ent from the hip-hop mix­ture of Ping­lish (mix­ture of Pun­jabi and Eng­lish) and a new kind of Pun­jabi Eng­lish which you see and hear in to­day’s Pun­jabi pic­tures.

En­joy the song and wit­ness how Duleep Singh ex­pe­ri­ences the pangs of sep­a­ra­tion with a glee in his eyes about the pos­si­bil­ity of his go­ing back to his king­dom.

Sheer joy!


141 rec­om­mended

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