The Black Prince fer­vour catches on, Hot Breads Lud­hi­ana of­fers dis­count

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The Black Prince fer­vour catches up with Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja putting up gi­ant posters of the movie in up­mar­ket Lud­hi­ana.  Slated for world­wide re­lease on 21 July, Hindi speak­ing peo­ple will soon learn about the Last King of Pun­jab.

The Black Prince fer­vour is catch­ing up. Al­ways ready to take up off­beat causes, Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja has put up a life-size poster of The Black Prince out­side his fa­mous restau­rant Hot Breads in up­beat mar­ket place in Sarabha Na­gar, Lud­hi­ana.

Speak­ing to WSN, Har­jin­der Singh said, “I ex­pect the movie to re­trace steps of Sikh his­tory which our prog­eny should know. I am ex­cit­edly wait­ing for its re­lease.”

Very few Hol­ly­wood movies have had a si­mul­ta­ne­ous re­lease in Pun­jabi and Hindi. The Black Prince is one such movie. Slated for world­wide re­lease on 21 July, Hindi speak­ing peo­ple will learn about the Last King of Pun­jab through the movie.

The Sikh im­age in Bol­ly­wood has not been too good ex­cept some ho­n­ourable ex­cep­tions. May be this movie will turn the tide and Bol­ly­wood will have more un­der­stand­ing of the Sikhs, their his­tory and cul­ture. 

The his­tor­i­cal film which made its pres­ence at IIFA last week. WSN anx­iously awaits the story of The Black Prince, White im­pe­ri­al­ists and Brown sub­jects. 

So, don’t miss your date with The Black Prince and en­joy French bak­ery at a dis­count.

189 rec­om­mended

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