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39 posts


It pays to re­alise that we have but only one life


The oc­to­ge­nar­ian lawyer pre­sents a philo­soph­i­cal as­pect of life and urges mankind to fo­cus God­wards. This is the first and the last life. We shall achieve our wishes if we are in­tent and fo­cused to achieve them. Firstly, we have to ac­cept that God has given th... More »


Com­pas­sion makes us be­long to each other


Mum­bai based so­cial ac­tivist and a for­mer banker shares his views on com­pas­sion, which he dis­plays dur­ing his in­ter­ac­tion with a gamut of ben­e­fi­cia­ries of his hu­man­i­tar­ian work in Mum­bai and around. If we are not com­pas­sion­ate, we are nei­ther hu­mans nor hu­mane... More »