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313 posts

Sachkhand Hazur Sahib

Cheat­ing Sikhs and de­fy­ing Bom­bay High Court, Ma­ha­rash­tra hell-bent on tak­ing con­trol of Takht Hazur Sahib


Push­ing the Sikh world, es­pe­cially the Dec­can Sikhs into the throes of an­other ag­i­ta­tion for the pro­tec­tion of the sanc­tity and ho­n­our of Takht Hazur Sahib, de­fy­ing all or­ders of the Au­rangabad Bench of the Bom­bay High Court over the last 2 years, and mak­ing f... More »

Charanjeet Singh

Cha­ran­jeet Singh Calls for Re­spect of Sikh Tra­di­tions and Re­forms Dur­ing PM Mod­i’s Visit to Takht Patna Sahib


Deeply con­cerned at the pos­si­bil­ity of Maryada vi­o­la­tion by the se­cu­rity pro­to­col of the high-level dig­ni­taries to Takht Patna Sahib, for­mer gen­eral sec­re­tary, le­gal ad­vi­sor, and mem­ber-des­ig­nate of the Sri Takht Ha­ri­mandir Ji Patna Sahib Pra­band­hak Com­mit­tee,... More »

Harjinder Singh Kukreja and Harkirat Kaur Kukreja

Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja Re-reg­is­ter mar­riage from Hindu to Anand Mar­riage Act, set­ting a trend


Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja does it again. Known for his flam­boy­ant style in mak­ing unique ef­forts to up­hold Sikh iden­tity, he, along with his wife Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja has set a trend in push­ing for the reg­is­tra­tion of their mar­riage un­der the Anand Mar­riage Act... More »

Hazur Sahib protest

सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते जगदीप सिंह यांनी नांदेडमध्ये तख्त हजूरसाहेब व्यवस्थापनावर महाराष्ट्राच्या फसवे गिरीला व लबाडी पणाला आणि गैर कायदेशीर कृत्यांना आव्हान दिले


मागील  दोन वर्षांपेक्षा अधिक काळापासून सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते आणि उदयोन्मुख  अधिवक्ता जगदीप सिंह यांनी नांदेडमध्ये तख्त हजूर साहिबच्या शासन आणि  व्यवस्थापना संबंधित महाराष्ट्र सरकारच्या  गैरकायदेशीर  कृत्यांविरुद्ध  इतर कोणाच्याही  आधार न घेता स्वतः न्यायालयात लढा... More »

Protest at Takht Hazur Sahib main

So­cial Ac­tivist Jagdeep Singh Nanded chal­lenges Ma­ha­rash­tra’s twists and turns on Takht Hazur Sa­heb Man­age­ment


For the last two years and more, so­cial ac­tivist and bud­ding lawyer Jagdeep Singh from Nanded has been sin­gle-hand­edly rough­ing it out in courts against the un­law­ful acts and prac­tices of the Gov­ern­ment of Ma­ha­rash­tra con­cern­ing the gov­er­nance and man­age­ment o... More »