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KPS Gill & Modi

KPS Gill is Franken­stein mon­ster says Dal Khalsa


Pub­lished in 2008, this is a scathing at­tack on KPS Gill for his clean chit to Naren­dra Mod­i’s in­volve­ment in the 2002 anti-Mus­lim car­nage in Gu­jarat. AM­RIT­SAR: In a strong re­ac­tion to the re­ported clean chit by for­mer DGP Pun­jab KPS Gill to Gu­jarat Chief Mini... More »


Where is In­dia head­ing to ?


With a sharp shift in most states of In­dia to­wards right-wing pol­i­tics and with mi­nori­ties ei­ther si­lenced, as­sim­i­lated or forced to join the ranks in the march to­wards a Hindu Rash­tra, 2019 may be a wa­ter­shed in the sec­u­lar de­sign of In­dia. Any In­dian re­turni... More »


EX­CLU­SIVE: Hin­dutva zealots beat Sikh youth in Delhi

 - now the Hindu Rash­tra cre­ators take on Sikhs and Sikhism in Delhi. Given the pro­cliv­ity of the hate brigade, the dan­ger it pro­tends, it is time to take stock and be­ware! Sikhs in Delhi need to be on their toes. The march of the Hin­dutva zealots is mak­ing ... More »


Meet Yogi Adityanath


The new chief min­is­ter of Ut­tar Pradesh -Ma­hant Yogi Adityanath is the new sym­bol of Hin­dutva-in­spired de­vel­op­ment. WSN pre­sents you the per­son be­hind the face. Meet Yogi Adityanath 45-year-old Yogi-as­cetic, monk, bach­e­lor for life. Re­li­gious head of the Gorak... More »


Fear None-Frighten None!


Gurme­har Kaur, a 20 year old Delhi Uni­ver­sity stu­dent, hail­ing from Ja­land­har, Pun­jab shows courage in tak­ing on emerg­ing in­tol­er­ant el­e­ments in In­dia. God Almighty show­ered ex­em­plary courage on the Lady Shri­ram Col­lege Eng­lish Ho­n­ours stu­dent 20-year-old Gurm... More »