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WSO ques­tions Indo-Canada se­cu­rity frame­work on hu­man rights


WSO ex­am­ines the Frame­work for Co­op­er­a­tion on Coun­ter­ing Ter­ror­ism and Vi­o­lent Ex­trem­ism be­tween Canada and In­dia on the hu­man rights front.  The WSO con­cern gives ex­pres­sion to Sikh fears and con­cerns. With­out get­ting cowed down by the su­per­flu­ous and base­les... More »

World Interfaith Harmony Week

WSO hosts World In­ter­faith Har­mony Week in Sur­rey


World Sikh Or­gan­i­sa­tion of Canada hosts World In­ter­faith Har­mony Week in Sur­rey to fos­ter un­der­stand, love, re­spect and shar­ing in a strife-torn hate-filled world. As in­tol­er­ance is be­ing fed by a sec­tion of so­ci­ety and world po­lit­i­cal lead­ers, there is a cryi... More »


Har­jit Singh Saj­jan -may not be Op­er­a­tion Medusa sole ar­chi­tect, still a Cana­dian hero


Har­jit Singh Saj­jan doggedly and humbly faces the Cana­dian op­po­si­tion and me­dia at­tack on a mis­take which could have been eas­ily over­looked con­sid­er­ing his re­mark­able track record. His apol­ogy is a de­mo­c­ra­tic Cana­dian tra­di­tion and we are happy that this Canad... More »