Compassion makes us belong to each other

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Mumbai based social activist and a former banker shares his views on compassion, which he displays during his interaction with a gamut of beneficiaries of his humanitarian work in Mumbai and around.

If we are not compassionate, we are neither humans nor humane. To my mind, to be a social human being, the first trait that a person needs to possess is compassion. This is a quality that ignites positive vibes and in a very pure manner makes one respond to problems of others, instilling a desire to extend all possible help to lessen the pain and suffering of others.

During the course of my interaction with patients, parents of patients, parents of special children, the special children themselves, I have experienced a unique joy which I can share but cannot really express in words. Celebrating festivals with them gives me more happiness than celebrating a festival in the comfort of my home.

My definition of compassion is that it is a compound of love, sympathy and a burning desire to assist and share. Anyone who is truly compassionate goes out of his or her way to serve alleviate others’ sufferings and while serving is ready to face problems and hurdles that hinder. People doing such Sewa, will never feel that they are doing any favour to anyone, they would in fact only be carrying out a duty entrusted by God and doing so gives them immense satisfaction and happiness. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. Lift the fallen and you see great changes taking place not only in others’ lives but in yours too.

Stress of modern times, pressure of our own needs and desires have taken humankind away from the magic of the kind word, the smiling face and the caring hand. The healing power of these gestures is to be seen to be believed. In fact, you can test it on yourself and your family and see how wondrous life can be if you are compassionate. Believe me, it costs nothing and for those with whom we share the loving smile, it is nothing but the a godly approach and we are seen as possessing miraculous powers. Compassion delivers miraculous powers without even letting us know.

As the world is filled with hate and agony, the pace of peace and progress is halted. No compassion amongst individuals leads to no caring and compassion among nations and today individuals and nations are at each other’s’ throats.

Someone has said it well, “If we have no peace, it’s because we have forgotten to belong to each other.”

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