COVID 2.0 takes Delhi by storm, demand for delay of sham DSGMC poll grows

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The Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee -DSGMC elections are scheduled for Sunday, 25 April 2021 whilst there is an official weekend lockdown on that day. Facebook posts, videos and voices of protest by the Delhi Sangat are growing steadily in the last 72 hours as the Coronavirus scare mounts. The Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal looks visibly worried even after imposing a weekend lockdown as the numbers of infected patients are hitting the roof. As we write, a one-week lockdown has been announced by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal making further reducing the possibility of the elections. As concerned Sikh groups make a fervent appeal, the government of Delhi, notwithstanding the silence of participating groups and candidates, WSN editor Jagmohan Singh evaluates that the Delhi government should act wisely in time and put the elections on hold, otherwise, it will be nothing but a sham election process with a record minimum participation.

THE DEADLY STRIKE OF COVID 2.0 after a very brief lull in the last months, which lead to laxity and brashness by governments and citizens is more dangerous than the first wave of the pandemic.

Young Sikhs and others are falling like ninepins, there is an acute shortage of life-saving drugs, including Remedesivir, hospital beds in COVID wards and ICU wards of private and government hospitals are virtually unavailable, social service bodies are helpless with non-availability of Oxygen and relatives of those who have died, depend upon good samaritans to assist in cremation as transport facilities are choked.

With the weekend curfew imposed by the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, life seems to be coming to a standstill with people themselves imposing a halt on their activities despite grave financial conditions.

The parties and candidates contesting the DSGMC elections have neither unitedly nor individually sought the postponement of polls, though some have admitted off the record that, the situation is very grim. Gurdwaras and NGOs are buying oxygen cylinders and other needs to help the weak and the vulnerable and the situation is so scary that irrespective of one’s financial strength, everyone is in the red zone.

Why can’t the DSGMC elections be postponed? Even though it is a religious election, it is not a sacrosanct affair that it cannot be delayed? There are ample incidences of postponement in the past.

A Sikh tragedy is happening. The Government is blissfully ignoring the situation vis-a-vis DSGMC polls. The 342,050 registered Sikhvoters, of which in any case no more than 40 per cent were expected to vote are nonchalant about the DSGMC elections and are simply going with the sway without a murmur of protest. The Sikh leadership of all hues and shades is not displaying much-needed gutsy leadership as they and their candidates have spent their thousands and perhaps more worried about that. The Directorate Gurdwara Elections -the authority mandated to conduct the elections is following the copybook formula that “elections once announced cannot be touched.”

Why can’t the DSGMC elections be postponed? Even though it is a religious election, it is not a sacrosanct affair that it cannot be delayed? There are ample incidences of postponement in the past.

Are the lives of people less important than conducting elections as scheduled with life totally thrown out of gear? On 18 April, there were an unprecedented 25,462 new infections, pushing the total to 850,000 with 161 fatalities. The fatality rate is also doubling.

We will be unable to make the voters aware of their votes and voting centres. In such a situation, there is no choice but to delay the elections,

In the last 72 hours, supporters of candidates, deeply concerned Delhi Sikh citizens and Sikh activists from outside Delhi too have also lent their voice for postponement of the polls beyond 25 April, through video posts and appeals to the Government of Delhi.

Stalwart Sikh citizens of Delhi including Pushpinder Singh, President Sikh Forum, Ravinder Singh Ahuja, Vice President, Sikh Forum, DIG Partap Singh (Retd), Secretary, Sikh Forum, Major General PS Malhotra, former President, Gurdwara Sahib, Defence Colony, Lt. Gen Dalbir Singh Sidhu, Surinderjeet Singh Pal, Chairman, Kesh Sambhal Prachar Sanstha, Baldev Singh, Administrator, Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kendra, Mehrauli, Dr Preeti Kaur Ahuja, President, Gurdwara Sahib, Defence Colony, New Delhi, Gurpreet Singh Bawa, former President, Gurdwara Sahib, Defence Colony, New Delhi, Air Vice Marshal PS Bhangoo, Sikh Collective coordinator Gurmeet Singh have dashed a missive to Delhi CM Kejriwal making an urgent appeal to delay the elections by at least a month. The letter sent under the aegis of The Sikh Collective says, “Heavens are not going to fall if the Gurdwara elections are delayed by a month or so. Please intervene to immediately postpone the elections scheduled for 25th April 2021.”

Though he is not a voter in the DSGMC polls, Gurpreet Singh, President, Institute of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh, who has been taking a keen interest in the developments in Delhi has also endorsed the call of various members of The Sikh Forum for delay of the elections.

I endorse the call of The Sikh Forum and The Sikh Collective seeking postponement of the DSGMC polls. by a month or so.

Submitting the rationale for postponement, these Sikh citizens of Delhi, who are always at the forefront of public concern, have said that “Already Sikh youth are dying and many are inflicted with the Coronavirus. Four candidates are under quarantine.”

“While dismissing a public interest petition last week, the Delhi High Court relied upon the assurance given by the counsel of the Directorate Gurdwara Elections and the Delhi Government that they would ensure compliance with health advisories. In the present situation, none of the advisories is being complied with nor is it possible for your Government to ensure such compliance,” the letter adds, laying down the clear scope for the Delhi government to take immediate action.

It may be borne in mind that the term of the last DSGMC was over in January 2021 and hence as it is the elections are delayed by three months. Delaying it by another 1-2 months will only delay the constitution of the new house.

The Sikh Collective letter provides logic to their call, saying, “Furthermore, it may be borne in mind that the term of the last DSGMC was over in January 2021 and hence as it is the elections are delayed by three months. Delaying it by another 1-2 months will only delay the constitution of the new house. All other formalities having been completed, physical campaigning can be stopped by a notification by the Directorate of Gurdwara Elections till a fresh date is announced.”

Coronavirus is causing havoc. Nobody wants to step out to vote. We will be unable to make the voters aware of their votes and voting centres. In such a situation, there is no choice but to delay the elections, wrote Harneek Singh of the Sikh Youth Foundation of Rajouri Garden, in their letter to the Delhi Chief Minister.

Going out to vote involves risking ones’ health and life since COVID19 is spreading very fast and unfortunately the government staff and voters would not be able to maintain a high level of safety measures.

Raising a very democratic point regarding the right of the elderly to exercise their right of franchise, Samir Singh of the Sikh Chamber of Commerce, in his email to Kejriwal, among other things says, “Due to the news and communication from both central and state governments there is growing concern among many, especially senior citizens but not just limited to them, about stepping out even for essentials let alone consider doing so for casting their vote no matter how important the election is to them. On the day of the election, there may be many who may have a family member/s or even themselves in quarantine or admitted in hospital which would mean they will also not be able to cast their votes. This will cause all those to lose their democratic right to vote and elect a committee of their choice.”

He further added that by postponing the elections, they could be held in a safe environment and voters can exercise their right to vote and not lose out on a “once in a four year opportunity and responsibility” to choose and elect a committee of their choice.

Lawyer-activist Harpreet Singh Sodhi in an email to the Directorate Gurdwara Elections, expressing concern on behalf of the Sikh Sangat has sought postponement of elections by a month wrote, “Every colony of Delhi has COVID19 patients and the situation is tense….elections will involve voters going out of their houses to a public place -schools and other designated centres to cast their votes. This involves risking their health and life since COVID19 is spreading very fast and unfortunately the government staff and voters would not be able to maintain a high level of safety measures.”

In an emotional appeal to Chief Minister Kejriwal, young Delhi Sikh activists Amardeep Singh from Tilak Nagar, Amandeep Singh from the Trans Yamuna area, Amanpreet Singh from Rohini, Bhawneet Singh from Virender Nagar, Harbinder Singh from Mahavir Nagar and Iqbal Singh from Shalimar Bagh have said, “The value of human life is known only to those who lose their loved ones. Society does commiserate but the pain and anguish of the dear ones are acute and unbearable. Modern society has devalued life and the COVID19 pandemic is making this worse. The Sikh community will hold you in high regard if you heed our plea to postpone the elections.”

“The value of human life is known only to those who lose their loved ones. The Sikh community will hold you in high regard if you heed our plea to postpone the DSGMC elections.”

DSGMC elections are for the management of historical and other Gurdwaras and educational institutions, as well as carrying out humanitarian activities. Sikhs as a community are dedicated to Sarbat da Bhala -Welfare of all humankind. It will be a miscarriage of the spirit of elections to this august historical body if elections are held when there is a huge scare of a pandemic destroying the lives of all including, Sikh citizens.

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