Covid19 Pandemic and Hate-mongering

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The Covid19 pandemic has hit the world community in many ways. Activists, writers, thinkers have responded through activism, writing prose and poetry. Social and religious activist, who pioneered Sikh advocacy in the United States, Dr Jasmit Singh pens a poem comparing the pandemic of the Coronavirus with that of hate which is engulfing individuals and societies and seeks compassion and inclusiveness from one and all.


I sat down in contemplation
Deliberating on the world today
Pandemic of a virus or hate
Which one should I ruminate

One reduces my lung capacity
The other takes my breath away
One does not discriminate
The other inherently segregates

Ventilators, Hospitals, Lockdowns
An army of doctors and nurses
City Halls, Precincts, Neighborhoods
A battery of activists and protestors

Fatigued, Frustrated, Famished
Unable to hold it at bay
Empowered, Exasperated, Electrified
Asking for systemic change

The world has an opportunity
To heal and repair
Or continue with our divisions
That lead to death and despair

The choice should be obvious
So why do we refuse to see
It beckons us in adversity
Shed divisions of mind and see

Dr Jasmit Singh, Founder Sikh Coalition, USADr Jasmit Singh is co-founder of Sikh American Advocacy and community development organisation -The Sikh Coalition, USA -civil rights organization – founded on the night of September 11, 2001, in response to a torrent of violent attacks against Sikh Americans throughout the United States.  He is also a founder of Khalsa Gurmat Center, focused on education, empowerment and civic engagement for kids and community members. He s is also a part of the Hate Crimes Task Force established by Governor Inslee.

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