Dal Khalsa alleges deal between Justice Gogoi and Modi government

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Alleging a clear backhand deal between the just-retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India -Justice Ranjan Gogoi and the Bharatiya Janata Party government, Dal Khalsa has said that the hollow character of the Indian judicial and political dispensation has been thoroughly exposed with the judge’s nomination to the upper house of Indian parliament.

The cat is out of the bag and the ‘done deal’ between the government of India and the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India is in the open with the Narendra Modi government nominating Justice Ranjan Gogoi to the Rajya Sabha -the upper house of the Parliament said party head Harpal Singh Cheema in a statement to media here today.

While presiding over the country’s top legal system in India, Justice Gogoi played the role of protector of the divisive and fascist agenda of the Modi government, bidding goodbye to rule of law, he pointed out.

In a hard-hitting statement, the Dal Khalsa party chief has alleged that the Narendra Modi-led Hindutva government in Delhi has rewarded former Chief Justice with a berth in Parliament’s Upper House for delivering the verdict in favour of Ram Mandir beside ensuring that the law remains on the right side of Modi Govt.

“During his 13 months sojourn as the Chief Justice of the apex court of the land, Justice Gogoi delivered judgements desired by the Hindutva government of the day, did not hear cases which should have been taken up without delay and totally ignored habeas corpus petitions relating to civil rights of the people of Kashmir.”

The government of India is responsible for making a mockery of whatever is left of the democratic and secular credentials of the Indian state.

Recalling his silence in handling habeas corpus petitions on Kashmir, Cheema said, “Months ago, when Kashmir was bleeding, people were held in their habitats, human rights were trampled with impunity and the autonomous status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir was snatched by the ruling benches in the Parliament, Gogoi ensured that law remains on the right side of the Modi dispensation by simply refusing to hear petitions relating to the maintainability of abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.”

“During his 13 months sojourn as the Chief Justice of the apex court of the land, Justice Gogoi delivered judgements desired by the Hindutva government of the day, did not hear cases which should have been taken up without delay and totally ignored habeas corpus petitions relating to civil rights of the people of Kashmir.”

Even the outcry of a large section of citizens against discriminatory and divisive law CAA went unheard thanks to then Chief Justice Gogoi.

Dal Khalsa also pointed out that not many weeks ago, the former army chief Bipin Rawat was rewarded the post of first Chief Defence Services for castigating anti-CAA and NPR protesters. Justice Gogoi is the second person who has been rewarded for toeing the Hindutva line.

“In the minds of Indians, there is a general perception that the army and judiciary is by and large neutral. Acting on the whims and fancies of the power that be, both Rawat and Gogoi have put a dent on the neutrality of both the institutions.”

Chastising the government of India, Dal Khalsa president Cheema held it responsible for making a mockery of whatever is left of the democratic and secular credentials of the Indian state.

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