Dal Khalsa Crit­i­cizes UN’s Pas­siv­ity and Is­raeli Ag­gres­sion, Ad­vo­cates for Pales­tin­ian Sov­er­eignty

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Dal Khalsa, a pro-Sikh free­dom po­lit­i­cal or­ga­ni­za­tion in the Pun­jab, has is­sued a stern con­dem­na­tion of Is­rael’s ac­tions, in­clud­ing the de­c­la­ra­tion of the UN Sec­re­tary Gen­eral as per­sona non grata, and frus­tra­tion at the United Na­tions’ pas­sive role in cur­rent global con­flicts. WSN re­ports.

In a strongly-worded state­ment, Dal Khalsa has cri­tiqued the world pow­ers sup­port­ing Is­rael, sug­gest­ing they have played a sin­is­ter role in di­min­ish­ing the ef­fec­tive­ness of the United Na­tions.

Kan­war Pal Singh, po­lit­i­cal ide­o­logue of Dal Khalsa, ex­pressed com­mit­ment to Pales­tin­ian rights while talk­ing to The World Sikh News, re­call­ing a his­tor­i­cal prece­dent set by their leader Gajin­der Singh in 1979 on the oc­ca­sion of the first an­niver­sary of the Dal Khalsa.

Dal Khalsa is known for its stance against ag­gres­sion to­wards na­tions, con­sis­tently ad­vo­cat­ing for jus­tice and free­dom. “Talk­ing about Pales­tin­ian rights is noth­ing new for us. We are sim­ply con­tin­u­ing the legacy of our lead­ers and or­ga­ni­za­tion,” Singh stated. We strongly ad­vo­cate state­hood and sov­er­eignty of Pales­tini­ans.

Singh specif­i­cally crit­i­cized the re­cent de­c­la­ra­tion by Is­rael’s For­eign Min­is­ter, who la­belled UN Sec­re­tary-Gen­eral An­tónio Guter­res as per­sona non grata, a move Singh in­sists must be strongly con­demned by the in­ter­na­tional com­mu­nity.

“The in­ter­na­tional com­mu­nity owes it to it­self to con­demn the de­c­la­ra­tion of the Sec­re­tary Gen­eral as per­sona non grata by Is­rael. This is dan­ger­ous and strikes at the root of the very ex­is­tence of the United Na­tions.”

Amid es­ca­lat­ing vi­o­lence in West Asia, in­clud­ing re­cent at­tacks in Lebanon and Iran, Dal Khalsa has called for a more as­sertive global re­sponse to Is­raeli poli­cies, com­par­ing the lack of de­ci­sive ac­tion to In­di­a’s tepid stance on the con­flict. With no let-up in Is­raeli ag­gres­sion against Pales­tini­ans and the re­cent in­crease in deadly at­tacks in­clud­ing tar­geted killings in Lebanon and Iran, West Asia is on edge.

‘Dou­ble stan­dards on con­tentious is­sues have be­come a hall­mark of In­di­a’s diplo­macy.’

Kanwar Pal SinghOn In­di­a’s ap­proach to­wards Is­rael-Pales­tin­ian con­flict, he said like Rus­sia-Ukraine war, in this case too, In­dian Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi lacked po­lit­i­cal will to call a spade a spade.  ‘Dou­ble stan­dards on con­tentious is­sues have be­come a hall­mark of In­di­a’s diplo­macy.’

The or­ga­ni­za­tion high­lighted the UN’s silent com­plic­ity not only in cur­rent in­ter­na­tional con­flicts but also dur­ing the per­se­cu­tion of Sikhs in In­dia in 1984.

“What is the UN look­ing for? What is the UN up to? Why coun­tries that don’t back Is­rael’s geno­ci­dal poli­cies speak out in the lan­guage that Is­raeli lead­er­ship un­der­stands?

The or­ga­ni­za­tion posed chal­leng­ing ques­tions about the UN’s ob­jec­tives and ef­fec­tive­ness and the tamed ap­proach of the in­ter­na­tional com­mu­nity. Dal Khalsa has asked, what is the UN look­ing for? What is the UN up to? Why coun­tries that don’t back Is­rael’s geno­ci­dal poli­cies speak out in the lan­guage that Is­raeli lead­er­ship un­der­stands?

107 rec­om­mended

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