Dal Khalsa snubs BJP’s star speaker Sikh face Manjinder Singh Sirsa

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Dal Khalsa admonishes the holier than thou role and attitude of the BJP’s star speaker  Sikh face Manjinder Singh Sirsa and snubbed him that there was no difference between Rajiv Gandhi and Narendra Modi –both killers of minorities -both chips of the same block. 

The present Prime Minister Narendra Gandhi is no less a mob lyncher than the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi  said  Dal Khalsa leader Kanwarpal Singh in reaction to anti-Rajiv Gandhi statements by the BJP leadership including the DSGMC president Manjinder Singh Sirsa.

Joining issue with Sirsa, the party leader said, “this kind of politicking is a dangerous trend.”  The mass killings of November 1984 under Rajiv Gandhi-led Congress and the 2002 killings in Gujarat under Narendra Modi-led Gujarat were pogroms against Sikhs and Muslims respectively.

The leader warned Sirsa that, “those who live in glass houses do not throw stones at others.” Sirsa was doubly associated with Modi –as his party MLA in Delhi and as a part of the national party alliance at the centre and in the Punjab, he added.

“If the Akali Dal wants to regain its lost moral authority by snubbing and challenging Congress on the 1984 genocide issue, the party will have to jump out of BJP’s bandwagon, as like Congress, the hands of saffron party leaders too were dipped in the blood of innocents”.

Notwithstanding the political role of these leaders at the Indian national stage, the Sikh people see both as mob-lynchers who pursued their personal and party interests at the altar of minority rights and did not hesitate in slaughtering minorities as per their sweet will.

He cautioned Manjinder Singh Sirsa by saying, “If the Akali Dal wants to regain its lost moral authority by snubbing and challenging Congress on the 1984 genocide issue, the party will have to jump out of BJP’s bandwagon, as like Congress, the hands of saffron party leaders too were dipped in the blood of innocents”.

Two wrongs do not make one right.

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