Dal Khalsa urges United Nations to ask US to lift sanctions against Iran

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Deeply perturbed by the deaths of Iranians dying by the hour, due to the lack of medicines and medical equipment because of the embargo of sanctions by the United States on Iran, the Sikh political body Dal Khalsa has written to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres urging him to use his good offices to persuade the United States to immediately lift the sanctions, notwithstanding its political stance against the oil-rich country. Dal Khalsa has requested to use the influence of India which is friendly with both the United States and Iran.

DAL KHALSA HAS URGED THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL ANTONIO GUTERRES to exercise all powers and use its clout to impress upon the United States to lift sanctions against Iran as it was facing adverse impacts of the Coronavirus outbreak in the form of a severe shortage of medical needs and access to adequate funds. The organization has asked the UN to seek the services of New Delhi as India has good friendly relations with Iran as well as the United States.

Hoping for friendship between Modi and Trump bearing fruit in this hour of crisis, “The United Nations may ask Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to come forward to convince US President Donald Trump to take a call of lifting the sanctions against Iran,” reads the Dal Khalsa letter sent via email to the office of Secretary-General.

Donald Trump and Ayotollah Khameini

Praying for the families of the sick and the dead, Dal Khalsa has “expressed full solidarity with the world community and especially with the suffering masses in China, Iran, Italy, Spain, England, United States and elsewhere.”

Notwithstanding the political rationale for such sanctions, the need of the hour is to start the humanitarian phase of working for common good worldwide.

Stating that the spread of Coronavirus in the world has reached an alarming pandemic level, putting the lives of millions of people across the globe in danger, the leader of the Sikh political body said its testing times for the human race.

Party spokesperson Kanwar Pal Singh emphasised that Iran was one of the hardest-hit countries in the world as it was fighting a two-front battle -one against the deadly COVID-19 virus and the other difficulties accrued due to the US sanctions against it.

Iran patients in cars
Patients wait in their car instead of waiting in the hospital in Guilan, Iran by Khashayar Javanmardi Photo courtesy: npr.org

As people continue to die by the hour in Iran with Covid-19 virus, it is time for the United Nations to use its good offices to ensure that the United States lifts the life-threatening sanctions. “Notwithstanding the political rationale for such sanctions, the need of the hour is to start the humanitarian phase of working for common good worldwide”, said he.

Dal Khalsa expresses full solidarity with the world community and especially with the suffering masses in China, Iran, Italy, Spain, England, United States and elsewhere.

“It is good that Pakistan has taken the lead in urging the United States of America to lift sanctions against beleaguered Iran. Quoting Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s statement that it was very unjust that Iranians were dealing with such a large pandemic outbreak on one side, and on the other, they were facing international sanctions, the Dal Khalsa appealed to the member countries of the UN Security Council to keep politics aside and concentrate exclusively on humanitarian policies and practices.

Meanwhile, the Dal Khalsa has also appealed to the people of Punjab to self-discipline themselves and follows guidelines of WHO and the Punjab Government with utmost sincerity to halt the spread of the virus.

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