Delhi High Court con­firms Sarna co-op­tion, Badal Dal choice pend­ing, Sirsa nom­i­na­tion in limbo

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With a com­bined 18 votes of the Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal, Jago Party and Pan­thik Lehar, the Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal Delhi chief Paramjit Singh Sarna, who did not con­test elec­tions, has been co-opted as a DS­GMC mem­ber, which has been con­firmed by the Delhi High Court, plac­ing him in di­rect line of op­po­si­tion with who­ever be­comes the DS­GMC Pres­i­dent by the end of Sep­tem­ber. WSN Delhi Desk’s Gurmeet Singh re­ports.

Though the co-op­tion process was com­pleted on 9 Sep­tem­ber, there was a stale­mate with re­spect to the sec­ond vic­tor from the Badal Dal as two of their can­di­dates -Vikram Singh Ro­hini and Jaswinder Singh Jolly did not get the req­ui­site num­ber of votes. As the vote of Bhupin­der Singh Bhullar, who had won with only 6 votes, wait­ing for a re­count, he was not al­lowed to vote and the process was halted.

The mat­ter went to court and Jus­tice San­jeev Sachdeva of the Delhi High Court has cleared the elec­tion of Paramjit Singh Sarna and de­clared him co-opted on 10 Sep­tem­ber 2021 whereas, for the sec­ond per­son, the court has or­dered count­ing of sec­ond pref­er­ence votes. 

The co-op­tion of Man­jin­der SIngh Sirsa through nom­i­na­tion is also on hold as Di­rec­tor Gur­d­wara Elec­tions -Naren­der Singh con­sid­ers the ob­jec­tion to his nom­i­na­tion by Jago party newly-elected DS­GMC mem­ber Sat­nam Singh Kheeva. 

 Read also: In Delhi, Badal Dal’s 4 Mus­ke­teers face po­lice ac­tion for in­tim­i­da­tion

 Read also: Delhi San­gat fu­ri­ous at Badal Dal at­tack on Di­rec­tor Gur­d­wara Elec­tions, po­lice files case

 Read also: DS­GMC mem­ber Kalra joins Badal Dal; turn­coats cheat Guru and San­gat

 Read also: What do you know of the Co-op­tion Drama of DS­GMC elec­tions?

WSN in its first re­port af­ter the elec­tions said that the co-op­tion drama is about to un­fold and sadly Badal Dal has proved us right!!

507 rec­om­mended

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