Delhi Police registers multiple FIRs against young farmers, FIRs not available on police website, farmers detention unknown

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In the wake of the incidents of 26 January 2021, Delhi Police has registered multiple FIRs against young protesting farmers who were part of the Tractor Parade into various parts of Delhi, including the historic Red Fort. Of all the details accessed so far by WSN, the copies of the FIRs are not available on the Delhi police website and many of the youth are being held in detention at unknown places.

Notwithstanding the farmers’ struggle at various sites on the periphery of Delhi, there is a huge concern among family and human rights defenders about the fate of young farmers arrested from ITO area, Nangloi, Red Fort and nearby areas. Human Rights defenders and lawyers are trying hard to reach out to the families and police to know details.

World Sikh News has called upon various social service organisations, individuals, lawyers and human rights defenders to rise to the occasion and provide immediate necessary legal aid to the defenceless young farmers.

As per a press release, the Panthic Talmel Sangathan led by Giani Kewal Singh has expressed interest in taking up the matter immediately and has urged families of victims in police custody or judicial custody to contact them for legal aid.

First NDTV and then BBC have reported that more than 200 farmers, mostly young, have been arrested for rioting, loot, conspiracy, conspiracy to murder and even Unlawful Activities Prevention Act -UAPA at multiple police stations, including Nangloi, Kotwali and ITO.

It is right time for the DSGMC to take up the matter of the young detainees through its legal cell.

As per details accessed by WSN, so far, we have got the following details:

Kisan Agitation Cases 

1 PUNJABI BAGH WEST 0084/2021 26-1-2021 427/ 34/ 58/ 186/ 279/ 270/ 269/ 51(b)/ 332/ 188/ 3/ 353 IPC 1860/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897
2 KOTWALI NORTH 0096/2021 27-1-2021 186/ 395/ 188/ 25/ 59/ 147/ 353/ 152/ 308/ 279/ 427/ 34/ 54/ 30/ 149/ 307/ 269/ 397/ 120B/ 27/ 3/ 148/ 332 IPC 1860/ARMS ACT, 1959/THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES AND REMAINS ACT,1958/PREVENTION OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984
3 PUNJABI BAGH WEST 0085/2021 26-1-2021 332/ 188/ 34/ 58/ 353/ 427/ 270/ 51(b)/ 186/ 279/ 269/ 3 IPC 1860/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897
4 NAJAF GARH DWARKA 0044/2021 26-1-2021 149/ 332/ 307/ 148/ 353/ 269/ 3/ 147/ 186/ 188/ 34 IPC 1860/PREVENTION OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984
5 MODEL TOWN NORTH WEST 0035/2021 27-1-2021 332/ 148/ 353/ 147/ 186/ 188/ 149 IPC 1860
6 KIRTI NAGAR WEST 0040/2021 26-1-2021 3/ 279/ 353/ 188/ 186 EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897/ IPC 1860
7 GHAZIPUR EAST 0029/2021 27-1-2021 186/ 270/ 332/ 5/ 58(1)/ 147/ 307/ 269/ 353/ 3/ 51/ 144/ 149/ 188/ 271/ 120B/ 148 IPC 1860/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897
9 GHAZIPUR EAST 0031/2021 27-1-2021 307/ 269/ 353/ 3/ 51/ 144/ 149/ 188/ 271/ 120B/ 148/ 186/ 270/ 332/ 5/ 58(1)/ 147 IPC 1860/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897
10 SWAROOP NAGAR OUTER NORTH 0034/2021 26-1-2021 270/ 269/ 188 IPC 1860
11 BURARI NORTH 0064/2021 26-1-2021 186/ 147/ 34/ 332/ 149/ 4/ 353/ 148/ 3 IPC 1860/DELHI PREVENTION OF DEFACEMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 2007
12 SAMAIPUR BADLI OUTER NORTH 0039/2021 26-1-2021 147/ 152/ 269/ 307/ 120B/ 149/ 188/ 332/ 397/ 3/ 148/ 186/ 353/ 395/ 34 IPC 1860/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984
13 JYOTI NAGAR NORTH EAST 0038/2021 26-1-2021 353/ 34/ 186/ 323/ 427 IPC 1860
14 PANDAV NAGAR EAST 0066/2021 27-1-2021 149/ 353/ 397/ 271/ 51/ 148/ 188/ 186/ 395/ 270/ 3/ 147/ 307/ 332/ 269/ 120B/ 58(1)/ 144 IPC 1860/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897
15 I.P.ESTATE CENTRAL 0019/2021 27-1-2021 188/ 201/ 353/ 4/ 148/ 186/ 279/ 332/ 3/ 147/ 152/ 269/ 323/ 307/ 149 IPC 1860/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984
16 UTTAM NAGAR DWARKA 0048/2021 27-1-2021 353/ 148/ 3/ 186/ 147/ 427/ 332/ 149 IPC 1860/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897/PREVENTION OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984
17 SEEMAPURI SHAHDARA 0041/2021 26-1-2021 147/ 186/ 188/ 270/ 3/ 307/ 149/ 353/ 269/ 51(b)/ 148/ 332/ 427 IPC 1860/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984
18 GHAZIPUR EAST 0030/2021 27-1-2021 188/ 271/ 120B/ 3/ 148/ 186/ 270/ 332/ 5/ 58(1)/ 147/ 307/ 269/ 353/ 51/ 144/ 149 IPC 1860/EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005
19 BABA HARIDAS NAGAR DWARKA 0050/2021 27-1-2021 147/ 186/ 188/ 3/ 149/ 332/ 34/ 148/ 353/ 269/ 51 IPC 1860/PREV. OF DAMAGE TO PUBLIC PROPERTY ACT, 1984/DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT, 2005




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