Don’t de­lay Aid to In­dia urges MP Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi to UK gov­ern­ment

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Re­spond­ing to a call by In­dia to the in­ter­na­tional fra­ter­nity, the United King­dom has re­port­edly sent 495 oxy­gen con­cen­tra­tors, 120 non-in­va­sive ven­ti­la­tors, and 20 man­ual ven­ti­la­tors as as­sis­tance for the Oxy­gen Short­age in the coun­try. How­ever, the spokesper­son of British PM Boris John­son has ex­pressed the in­abil­ity to pro­vide vac­cines for In­dia as “they do not have any sur­plus doses be­yond the do­mes­tic roll­out.” As in­fec­tions con­tinue to mount in In­dia, with an alarm­ing rise in the mor­tal­i­ties, Slough Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment Tan­man­jeet Singh Dhesi yes­ter­day urged Boris John­son ad­min­is­tra­tion on the floor of the British House of Com­mons to send ur­gent aid to In­dia. WSN re­ports.

TAN­MAN­JEET SINGH IS CON­SCIOUS OF THE NEEDS AND CON­CERNS of not only his con­stituents, many of whom are of In­dian ori­gin but of their rel­a­tives and as­so­ci­ates as well who re­side in var­i­ous parts of In­dia.

Al­ways ready to stand up for the un­der­dogs, tak­ing up the cause of COVID-19 re­lated aid to In­dia as an ur­gent mat­ter on the floor of the house, Tan Dhesi MP for Slough “high­lighted to For­eign Of­fice Min­is­ter Nigel Adams MP, the need for the UK to take the lead and help the In­dian peo­ple in their hour of need, con­sid­er­ing In­dia is reg­is­ter­ing the high­est ever Covid cases glob­ally.

He men­tioned that many peo­ple in his con­stituency are ex­tremely anx­ious about loved ones in In­dia, ter­ri­fied af­ter see­ing the apoc­a­lyp­tic scenes of peo­ple dy­ing on the streets for want of oxy­gen, a col­laps­ing health sys­tem, and cre­ma­to­ri­ums and ceme­ter­ies over­whelmed with thou­sands of peo­ple dy­ing every day.

Boris John­son’s of­fi­cial spokesman has said, “We would con­sider every re­quest (by In­dia) very closely.”

Such ur­gent ac­tion re­quests on hu­man­i­tar­ian grounds have been made by many other Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment of the Labour Party.

It is sad to note that while In­dia is wel­com­ing aid from all across the world, it does not di­gest any crit­i­cism of the bru­tal col­lapse of its health sys­tems, all over the coun­try and es­pe­cially in the cap­i­tal city of Delhi.

178 rec­om­mended

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