DS­GMC Dharam Par­char head goes the “lo­tus” way

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Badal Dal leader Paramjit Singh Rana, touted to be highly re­li­gious, turns his back on Sikhdom, cheats his elec­tors, joins BJP to con­test mu­nic­i­pal elec­tions in Delhi.

In a 360 de­gree turn around, within hours of his ap­point­ment as chair­per­son of the Dharam Par­char Com­mit­tee -Paramjit Singh Rana has joined the Bharatiya Janta Party to con­test the NDMC(New Delhi Mu­nic­i­pal Com­mit­tee) polls to be held on 23 April from Ra­jin­der Na­gar con­stituency on the BJP party sym­bol of lo­tus.

De­fy­ing all odds SAD had come back into the DS­GMC with fly­ing col­ors, win­ning 35 out of 46 seats. Even though the for­ma­tion of the ex­ec­u­tive team is just be­ing com­pleted, Paramjit Singh Rana has fol­lowed his gen­eral sec­re­tary -Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa who is also con­test­ing the Delhi Vid­han Sabha elec­tions as a BJP can­di­date from the Ra­jouri Gar­den con­stituency.
Sikh pol­i­tics in Delhi has wit­nessed many lows, but it is per­haps for this first time that the sit­ting chair­per­son of the DS­GMC, re­spon­si­ble for pro­mot­ing Sikh prin­ci­ples has done the un­think­able – an ab­solutely shame­less act which has left a good sec­tion of the Delhi Sikhs in a state of shock and dis­be­lief.

It is not a hid­den fact, that SAD and BJP have been in coali­tion for 10 years now, how­ever this is di­rect RSS in­ter­fer­ence in Sikh in­sti­tu­tions. Sources close to Paramjit Singh say, “win or lose, we will come back and take the reins of the Dharam Par­char into our hands.” Res­i­dents of Dev Na­gar from where he won the DS­GMC elec­tions are aghast at the crass at­ti­tude of the leader, who is al­legedly in­volved in dis­puted prop­er­ties deals.

Iron­i­cally, the BJP has al­lo­cated 5 out of 272 seats in Delhi city which has a siz­able chunk of Sikhs, but the SAD has ac­cepted that too with the con­di­tion to con­test on the lo­tus sym­bol as BJP can­di­dates. Shame­less? Im­po­tent? Re­alpoli­tik? Call it what you like, the com­mu­nity is speech­less.

The web­site of Paramjit Singh Rana in­tro­duces him as, “He is known for his in­tegrity and out­right com­mit­ment to­wards the cause of Sikh com­mu­nity.” Sikhs of Dev Na­gar and Delhi must seek an­swers!

173 rec­om­mended

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