Global Sikh Coun­cil for Guru Gob­ind Singh Parkash Purab on 5 Jan

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Step­ping-in to stem the con­fu­sion re­gard­ing the date of cel­e­bra­tion of Guru Gob­ind Singh birth an­niver­sary, the Global Sikh Coun­cil has ap­pealed to Sikh San­gats world­wide to cel­e­brate the Dasam Pat­shah Parkash Purab on 5 Jan­u­ary 2018 and to pave the way for full adop­tion of the Mool Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar.

Step­ping in to stop the slide of con­fu­sion pre­vail­ing in the Sikh San­gat world­wide re­gard­ing cel­e­brat­ing the birth an­niver­sary of Guru Gob­ind Singh dur­ing the Mar­tyr­dom Week in the last week of De­cem­ber as de­cided by Jathedar Akal Takht and com­pan­ion Jathedars, ig­nor­ing the ap­peal of the SGPC on the mat­ter, the Global Singh Coun­cil has ex­horted Sikhs to cel­e­brate the Birth An­niver­sary of Dasam Pita -Guru Gob­ind Singh on 5 Jan­u­ary 2018 and pave the way for full adop­tion of the orig­i­nal Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar to en­sure that there is no such con­fu­sion in the times to come.

Gur­deep Singh Kun­dan in a press state­ment has said, “It is un­for­tu­nate that Shi­ro­mani Gur­d­wara Parb­han­dak Com­mit­tee (SGPC) has de­clared that birth­day of Dasam Pita Guru Gob­ind Singh ji will be cel­e­brated on 25th De­cem­ber 2017 which falls dur­ing the mar­tyr­dom week of Sahibzades and Sha­heed Singhs and Singhn­ian.”

The note clar­i­fies that this change in the birth­day of Guru Gob­ind Singh has come about be­cause of the po­lit­i­cally mo­ti­vated amend­ment to the orig­i­nal Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar in 2012 by the SGPC.

We want to take this strug­gle fur­ther and there­fore we re­quest the Sikh world to adopt fully the orig­i­nal Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar, de­signed by Pal Singh Pure­wal, ap­proved by the SGPC and the 51-mem­ber Pan­thic Com­mit­tee formed by the Akal Takht Jathedar and adopted at the Akal Takht Sahib in 2003.

To avoid con­fu­sion among the Sikhs and to en­sure that the re­spects to the mar­tyr­dom of the four sons of Guru Gob­ind Singh and other mar­tyrs is fully main­tained, the Global Sikh Coun­cil -GSC “humbly re­quests all Gur­d­waras, In­sti­tutes, Or­gan­i­sa­tions and Sikh San­gat world­wide to cel­e­brate the Birth An­niver­sary of Dasam Pita Guru Gob­ind Singh on 5 Jan­u­ary 2018, as per orig­i­nal Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar as adopted by the Sikh na­tion at the Akal Takht Sahib in 2003.”

Speak­ing ex­clu­sively to the World Sikh News, Gur­deep Singh, the Sec­re­tary of Global Sikh Coun­cil cat­e­gor­i­cally stated that “we want to take this strug­gle fur­ther and there­fore we re­quest the Sikh world to adopt fully the orig­i­nal Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar, de­signed by Pal Singh Pure­wal and adopted at the Akal Takht Sahib in 2003.”

To down­load and in­stall the Mool Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar App, click here:
Mool Nanakshahi aap

It is un­for­tu­nate that Shi­ro­mani Gur­d­wara Parb­han­dak Com­mit­tee (SGPC) has de­clared that birth­day of Dasam Pita Guru Gob­ind Singh ji will be cel­e­brated on 25th De­cem­ber 2017 which falls dur­ing the mar­tyr­dom week of Sahibzades and Sha­heed Singhs and Singhn­ian. In­stead, every­one should cel­e­brate it on 5 Jan­u­ary 2018.

The Global Sikh Coun­cil is pleased to learn that the Pak­istan Gur­d­wara Parb­han­dak Com­mit­tee (PGPC), Malaysian Gur­d­waras Coun­cil (MGC), Gur­d­waras in Italy, Switzer­land, Ger­many, Aus­tralia and a ma­jor­ity of the Gur­d­waras in USA and Canada have also unan­i­mously de­cided to cel­e­brate the Parkash Purab of Guru Gob­ind Singh Sahib on 5 Jan­u­ary 2018.  In many other coun­tries, the Gur­d­waras are show­ing in­creas­ing in­cli­na­tion to adopt the “Mool Nanakshahi Cal­en­dar” of 2003.

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313 rec­om­mended

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