Global Sikh Council renews efforts to resolve Panthic issues

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Global Sikh Council at its recently concluded meeting in Dubai renews efforts and endeavours to evolve solutions to multiple Panthic issues confronting Sikhs worldwide.

The Global Sikh Council, as a platform of concerned Sikhs from more than 20 countries, at its recently concluded Annual General Meeting in Dubai discussed and deliberated multiple Panthic issues confronting Sikhs across the world.

Speaking on the occasion, the editor of The World Sikh News -Jagmohan Singh dwelt on the crisis of character of the Sikh leadership on all fronts. Renowned historian and writer Ajmer Singh emphasized the need for thorough understanding of the root cause of the challenges before attempting quick-fix solutions. Dr. H. S. Chahal from Canada emphasized the importance of logic and reasoning in understanding Gurbani. Dr. Karminder Singh Dhillon from Malaysia focused on the need to grasp the fundamentals of Sikhi enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib.

The Global Sikh Council adopted a new constitution and incorporated Hong Kong and Ireland as new members of the body. GSC members profusely congratulated Sardar Ramesh Singh from Pakistan for his diligent efforts in getting the Anand Marriage Act passed by the Punjab Provincial Assembly.

Lady Kanwaljit Kaur was re-elected as President for a second term with new office bearers comprising Jasbir Kaur as Deputy President, Jagjit Singh Malaysia as Secretary and Gulbarg Singh Batra as Treasurer. The new executive committee comprises Harsaran Singh from India, Jagir Singh from Malaysia, Balwant Singh from Indonesia, Gurdial Singh from France and Ranjit Singh from Portugal.

GSC congratulated Sardar Ramesh Singh from Pakistan for his diligent efforts in getting the Anand Marriage Act passed by the Punjab Provincial Assembly.

“The Global Sikh Council is dedicated to rebuild Sikh consciousness under the banner of “One Granth One Panth.” said Lady Kanwaljit Kaur, summarizing the proceedings of three days of the Annual General meeting.

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