Gone with the sea

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12-year-old Delhi-based stu­dent Brah­mjot Singh writes po­etry in Eng­lish and French. Son of a hard-work­ing de­vout fa­ther and mother. True to his name and like his par­ents, he is re­li­giously-in­clined and is learn­ing Gur­bani Kir­tan. He has al­ready cleared two ex­ams in In­dian clas­si­cal mu­sic. World Sikh News in­vites you to read, rel­ish and en­joy the poem of this kid and en­cour­age him to con­tinue his jour­ney in lit­er­a­ture and mu­sic.

Along the hid­den route,Lies the hid­den cor­ners of the sea.The trea­sure that it takes away,From the land far away.

The his­tory that is gone with the sea
Never re­veals its true the face
Along the suhren parts
I see the true Grace.

When some­one asks me,
Where is the suc­cess key
The only thing I can say is
It is gone with the sea.

Every­one is the true lan­der
Each per­son gets their part.
It is the only way to the key
It is gone with the sea.

Main photo Cour­tesy: An­drew Dal­gleish @a_­dal­gleish
British Am­bas­sador to Croa­tia

Brah­mjot Singh is a Delhi-based school stu­dent who writes po­ems in Eng­lish and French.

238 rec­om­mended

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