Guru Nanak’s Travels to the world of Islam in the Arab world
Noted scholar and decorated Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Santiniketan University -Mohammed Sirajul Islam reviews Dr Jasbir Singh Sarna’s book -’Guru Nanak’s Journey to Arab countries’, which documents the author’s account of how the First Master of the Sikh religion travelled far and wide into the world of Islam.
GURU NANAK DEBJI IS A RARE PERSONALITY IN THE ANNALS OF MANKIND, who was not only the founder of Sikhism but also an egalitarian social reformer, mystic, anchorite, Faqir as well as an Ambassador of Peace and Human Unity. He had a deeper relationship with the people of different faiths and was also always eager to embrace the wholesome teachings of other faiths and culture too.
Guru Nanak realized the inner core of various religions and after encompassing the beneficial parts, adopted those into the Sikh Religion.
The works of Kabir, Namdeb, Baba Farid and others are incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib. He did not hesitate to adopt some of the practices of Bhakti cults and Sufi practices, because, he thought that the fundamental teachings and cardinal virtues of each and every religion are eternal and same but their mode of expressions and practices may be varied due to the founder’s understanding and realizations.
He extended his service to all and sundry without any reluctance and discrimination of caste, creed and religion. Guru Nanak’s contribution is unique and uncommon in world history. His initiative of human unity and harmony still attracts all philanthropic people globally and also motivates them to initiate a movement against social evils and religious bigotry. By the influence of Guru Nanakji, many people disparaged evil deeds and relentlessly engaged in the service of humanity.
Guru Nanak Debji’s open-mindedness is vivid in his different activities and moral practices.
In order to acquire knowledge and realization, Guru Nanak travelled far and wide and did not hesitate to go to the Arab world and Persia. History attests that Guru Nanak visited Mecca, Medina and the various parts of Persia, but we had no clear idea and evidence of his travels
Jasbir Singh Sarna has done a wonderful job to collect the original manuscript of Guru Nanak Debji’s travel to the Arab countries and published that travel history in a book form. I must congratulate him for his noble deeds.
In my viewpoint, it is not a full book, rather it is a treatise based on the original source -Tarikh-e-Arab. This small book is divided into seven headings, like- Guru Nanak’s arrival to Mecca and the Prayer in Medina, Knowledgeable Knowledge to the city of Kufa, Kareen Hamid story, Meeting with the Peer Baghdad and his redemption, Faqir Bahilal’s redemption, the meetings with Mushtaq Hussain and the Reality of Prithipal Singh.
Guru Nanak’s contribution is unique and uncommon in world history. His initiative of human unity and harmony still attracts all philanthropic people globally and also motivates them to initiate a movement against social evils and religious bigotry.

All headings of the book are thought-provoking and interesting. After reading this book, readers and scholars will familiarize themselves with interesting and intriguing events related to the Guru Nanak Debji’s travel to the Arabian countries.
I do hope it will quench the thirst of the scholars of history, religion, social science, philosophy and culture. The initiative of Dr Jasbir Singh Sarna is unique and we await his next praiseworthy volume.
Title Image: The title of the book has been superimposed on the photo of the Gurdwara built in Baghdad to commemorate Guru Nanak’s visit there.
Mohammed Sirajul Islam is Professor and Former Head, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan. He is a national awardee of many Indian awards and Ambassador of the Parliament of World Religions.
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