Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja re­lent­lessly carry the mes­sage of Sikh Gu­rus world­wide

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Re­cently, at a func­tion or­gan­ised at the New Jer­sey Per­form­ing Arts Cen­tre, in the pres­ence and par­tic­i­pa­tion of Sikh per­form­ing artists and glit­terati, the hus­band-wife duo from Lud­hi­ana -Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja, em­pha­sized the sig­nif­i­cance of the Sikh way of life as taught and demon­strated by Guru Nanak Sa­heb Ji. WSN re­ports.

Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja, cel­e­brated global trav­el­ers and in­flu­encers, played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the grandeur of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 555th Birth An­niver­sary Cel­e­bra­tion at New Jer­sey Per­form­ing Arts Cen­tre -NJ­PAC.

Their pres­ence at the event un­der­scored their un­wa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to Sikh val­ues and their ded­i­ca­tion to in­spir­ing fu­ture gen­er­a­tions through their ac­tions and ad­vo­cacy.As a global cul­tural am­bas­sador, Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja elo­quently em­pha­sized the trans­for­ma­tive power of Sikh prac­tices such as lan­gar, which em­bod­ies Guru Nanak’s teach­ings of equal­ity and in­clu­siv­ity.

Harjinder Singh Kukreja

His re­flec­tions on the im­por­tance of self­less ser­vice res­onated deeply with the con­gre­ga­tion, of­fer­ing a model for in­te­grat­ing these time­less prin­ci­ples into con­tem­po­rary life.

Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja, a promi­nent par­ent­ing and lifestyle in­flu­encer, brought a unique per­spec­tive to the cel­e­bra­tion, high­light­ing the im­por­tance of nur­tur­ing Sikh val­ues within younger gen­er­a­tions. Through her im­pact­ful ad­vo­cacy, she has con­sis­tently demon­strated how the teach­ings of Guru Nanak can be wo­ven into the fab­ric of mod­ern fam­ily life, cre­at­ing a legacy of com­pas­sion, unity, and re­silience.Their con­tri­bu­tions ex­tended be­yond their words.

Their in­volve­ment re­in­forced the rel­e­vance of Guru Nanak’s mes­sage in the global con­text, bridg­ing tra­di­tional val­ues with con­tem­po­rary chal­lenges. The Kukre­jas’ pres­ence in­spired at­ten­dees, par­tic­u­larly the youth, to ac­tively en­gage with their her­itage and em­body Guru Nanak’s teach­ings in their per­sonal and com­mu­nal lives.

Harjinder Singh Kukreja

Through their work and in­flu­ence, Har­jin­der Singh Kukreja and Harki­rat Kaur Kukreja con­tinue to cham­pion the uni­ver­sal val­ues of Sikhism—equal­ity, unity, and ser­vice—serv­ing as bea­cons for the global Sikh com­mu­nity and be­yond. Their par­tic­i­pa­tion at the Gur­purab cel­e­bra­tion was a pow­er­ful re­minder of the en­dur­ing rel­e­vance of Guru Nanak’s vi­sion and their piv­otal role in car­ry­ing his legacy for­ward.

80 rec­om­mended

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