Hu­man Rights Day Ex­clu­sive: Don’t ig­nore the peo­ple, says WSN

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To mark the Hu­man Rights Day, World Sikh News ed­i­tor -Jag­mo­han Singh ex­pressed his views on a wide range of top­ics af­fect­ing hu­man rights of peo­ples in South Asia to Zha­garam Voice in Chen­nai. In­dia, its neigh­bour­hood in South Asia and the world at large has to make pro-peo­ple poli­cies and take pro-peo­ple ac­tions oth­er­wise the world seems to be lurk­ing in the re­gion of an­ar­chy. View, share and com­ment.

He ex­pressed worry about the state of Ee­lam Tamils af­ter the re­cent Pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in Sri Lanka. Vouch­ing for the right to self-de­ter­mi­na­tion of the peo­ple of Kash­mir, he sought im­me­di­ate with­drawal of In­dian troops from the moun­tain­ous coun­try, neigh­bour­ing Pun­jab on the Indo-Pak bor­der.  Com­ing down heav­ily on the Supreme Court of In­dia judge­ment in the Babri Masjid case, he said that the men­tion of Guru Nanak’s visit to pray Lord Ram in Ay­o­d­hya has to be chal­lenged.

The hu­man rights ac­tivist de­manded self-de­ter­mi­na­tion in Pun­jab, in Kash­mir, in Na­ga­land and in Tamil Ee­lam.

The in­ter­view of Jag­mo­han Singh was con­ducted by hu­man rights ac­tivist Jeeva in Chen­nai and recorded in Eng­lish by the chan­nel Zha­garam Voice. 


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