In Delhi, Badal Dal’s 4 Mus­ke­teers face po­lice ac­tion for in­tim­i­da­tion

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Re­act­ing sharply to the crim­i­nal as­sault, in­tim­i­da­tion and ob­struc­tion of of­fi­cial duty by the Badal Dal newly-elected mem­bers and sup­port­ers, Naren­der Singh, Di­rec­tor Gur­d­wara Elec­tions has filed a po­lice com­plaint against 3 DS­GMC mem­bers and 1 sup­porter by name and also men­tioned the names of Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa and Harmeet Singh Kalka as lead­ers who have been threat­en­ing him since long. The po­lice FIR gives de­tails of the 9 Sep­tem­ber de­vel­op­ments, which have caused agony and dis­may to Sikhs in Delhi and dis­turbed the Sikhs world­wide. The counter case by the Badal Dal is an ob­nox­ious at­tempt to over­awe any­one who op­poses their ne­far­i­ous de­signs. WSN Delhi Desk’s Gurmeet Singh re­ports.

The rowdy, un­de­mo­c­ra­tic and un­Sikh act of abus­ing and at­tack­ing Naren­der Singh, Di­rec­tor of Gur­d­wara Elec­tions by the Badal Dal dur­ing the coop­tion ses­sion has re­sulted in an­other bout of lit­i­ga­tion with the Di­rec­torate ini­ti­at­ing po­lice ac­tion against the Badal Dal lead­er­ship and sub­se­quently, the Badal Dal fil­ing an­other FIR against the Di­rec­tor Gur­d­wara Elec­tions, al­leg­ing bribery and bias dur­ing the elec­tions and the coop­tion process.

The First In­for­ma­tion Re­port reg­is­tered at the I. P. Es­tate Po­lice sta­tion un­der var­i­ous sec­tions of the In­dian Pe­nal Code for ob­struct­ing, as­sault­ing and crim­i­nal in­tim­i­da­tion of a pub­lic ser­vant men­tions Atma Singh Lubana, elected mem­ber from ward num­ber  27 Tilak Vi­har, Bhupin­der Singh Ginny, elected mem­ber from ward num­ber 16 Tagore Gar­den, Ra­man­deep Singh Tha­par alias Kiwi Tha­par, elected mem­ber from ward num­ber 33 Shiv Na­gar and Gagan Singh alias Gagan Singh Chhiyasi, an as­so­ci­ate of Badal Dal as the main ac­cused.  

Narender Singh Director Gurdwara Elections1The com­plaint also men­tions the name of Badal Dal Pres­i­dent and newly-elected DS­GMC mem­ber Harmeet Singh Kalka, and de­feated can­di­date Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa for threat­en­ing Naren­der Singh ver­bally at many me­dia meets and so­cial me­dia in­ter­views. 

Though the name of Har­jeet Singh Pappa, elected Badal Dal DS­GMC mem­ber from Sham Na­gar ward has not been men­tioned in the FIR, videos cir­cu­lat­ing on so­cial me­dia show his act of vi­o­lence and at­tempted as­sault. 

 Read also: Delhi San­gat fu­ri­ous at Badal Dal at­tack on Di­rec­tor Gur­d­wara Elec­tions, po­lice files case

 Read also: DS­GMC mem­ber Kalra joins Badal Dal; turn­coats cheat Guru and San­gat

Though some of the of­fences are non-bail­able, no ar­rests have been made so far. 

The re­ac­tion of the Badal Dal ob­vi­ously has been on ex­pected lines. Ac­knowl­edg­ing a mis­take or un­ruly be­hav­iour is not part of the kitty of Badal Dal or any of the po­lit­i­cal par­ties.  There is no sense of re­morse or even a thought that they have vi­o­lated the oath of of­fice, even be­fore tak­ing the oath. 

On the con­trary, the Badal Dal leader Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa, in his shame­less masochis­tic re­ac­tion dur­ing a press meet, while talk­ing about an at­tack on Naren­der Singh said, “Pyar ditta hai, uh thoda bahut pyar ditta hai -We have just show­ered a lit­tle love.” 

Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa, in his shame­less masochis­tic re­ac­tion dur­ing a press meet, while talk­ing about an at­tack on Naren­der Singh said, “Pyar ditta hai, uh thoda bahut pyar ditta hai -We have just show­ered a lit­tle love.” 

At a hur­riedly con­vened me­dia con­fer­ence, Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa threat­ened Naren­der Singh of “con­se­quences that will lead to his los­ing his job and be­ing dis­missed from ser­vice.”

Al­leg­ing in­ter­fer­ence by the Di­rec­torate of Gur­d­wara elec­tions for gov­ern­ment con­trol of DS­GMC, Sirsa in a Face­book post says, “We have filed a com­plaint against Narinder Singh, the Di­rec­tor of Gur­d­wara Elec­tions with the Home Sec­re­tary, @Lt­Gov­Delhi and with the po­lice as well for vi­o­lat­ing Delhi Sikh Gur­d­wara Act and in­dulging in se­ri­ous of­fences like of­fer­ing money to Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal win­ning mem­bers on be­half of op­po­nents. His ma­li­cious ac­tiv­i­ties have brought dis­grace to the en­tire elec­tion process”. 

More than any­thing else, the Badal Dal is up­set at the post­pone­ment of the ac­cep­tance of the nom­i­na­tion of Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa fol­low­ing a com­plaint by Jago par­ty’s Sat­nam Singh Kheeva. 

Harmeet Singh Kalka while speak­ing to the me­dia said, “This was for the first time that the proper co-op­tion process was not fol­lowed by the di­rec­tor. He has acted in a bi­ased man­ner for de­lim­i­ta­tion, sym­bol al­lot­ment, and other elec­tion processes.”

Hint­ing at horse­trad­ing, Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa said, “We will have 40 mem­bers in the Com­mit­tee in the times to come.”

 Read also: What do you know of the Co-op­tion Drama of DS­GMC elec­tions?

 Read also: Delhi High Court con­firms Sarna co-op­tion, Badal Dal choice pend­ing, Sirsa nom­i­na­tion in limbo

More than any­thing else, the Badal Dal is up­set at the post­pone­ment of the ac­cep­tance of the nom­i­na­tion of Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa fol­low­ing a com­plaint by Jago par­ty’s Sat­nam Singh Kheeva. 

Enough is enough. The time to act is now. Will the Sikh San­gat of Delhi get its act to­gether and force its rep­re­sen­ta­tives to re­frain from acts that de­fame Sikhs and their tra­di­tion of Sewa?


342 rec­om­mended

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