In solidarity with Sikh farmers, Cauvery Rights Retrieval Committee marches for repeal of farm laws

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Expressing full solidarity with the protesting Sikh farmers in Delhi, the Cauvery Rights Retrieval Committee, an umbrella body of various grassroots farmer and political movements in Tamil Nadu held a spirited rally denouncing the government’’s delaying tactics and seeking immediate repeal of the anti-people, anti-farmer three farm laws enacted last year. A WSN Tamil Desk Report.

THOUSANDS OF FARMERS carrying green flags marched in Tanjore city demanding the repeal of the new agricultural laws, which has now emerged as the central development dominating the people’s thinking and action and giving sleepless nights to die-hard politicians who had come to believe that they are invincible and indispensable.

Led by the general secretary of the Manithaneya Jananayaga Katchi M.Thamimun Ansari and P. Maniarasan, coordinator of Cauvery Rights Retrieval Committee, the protestors marched from the site of the historic statue of Naryanasamy Naidu -leader of farmers to the Thokappiar Square statue of King Rajaraja Chola in Thanjavur city -the rice bowl of Tamil Nadu.

P. Mani­yarasan -the co-or­di­na­tor of the Cau­very Rights Retrieval Com­mit­tee, Dhanapalan – Coali­tion Pres­i­dent of all Tamil Nadu Agri­cul­tural As­so­ci­a­tions, Manimozhiyan, Treasurer of the Cauvery Rights Redemption Committee and K. Venkatraman, General Secretary of Thamizh Thesiya Periyakkam were leading the march also attended by the General Secretary of the Manitha Neya Jananaayaga Katchi Tamimun Ansari MLA.

Rally to press for repeal of farm laws 4

Also in attendance were Bharathiselvan of the Cauvery Rights Retrieval Committee, Chinnathurai, Trichy District President of the Tamil Nadu Farmers ‘Union, Kudanthai Arasan General Secretary of Viduthalai Thamizh Puligal, Jagadeesan, Delta Coordinator of the Tamil Nadu Farmers’ Union, Simeon Xavierraj, District President of the Democratic Party of India and various agrarian organizations.

Rally to press for repeal of farm laws

P. Manisarasan, convenor, Cauvery Rights Retrieval Committee, while speaking to the media demanded a compensation of ₹40,000 per acre for crops damages suffered by farmers due to heavy rainfall this month.

Soon after the Supreme Court judgement in the case of the Farmers law and the formation of an Experts panel by the apex court, the Thamizh National movement -read Tamil National Movement General Secretary K. Venkatraman in an interview to a local video channel said, “If we chronologically examine the proceedings of the Supreme Court in the issue prior to the appointment of the committee, we can understand that the apex court of the country is partial and pro-government”

“If we chronologically examine the proceedings of the Supreme Court in the issue prior to the appointment of the committee, we can understand that the apex court of the country is partial and pro-government”

Clearly, the four members of the apex court panel were biased in favour of the government and the farm laws from their writings and actions in the recent past.

“ The Supreme Court of India should have inquired into the constitutional validity of the laws, spelt out what is good and bad in the law, what was the grand hurry for the government to enact the law without any demand from farmers from any part of the country and in its wisdom should have set aside the laws as unconstitutional because ab initio because it amounted to dealing with a state subject,” told K Venkatrama to WSN on the phone line from Chennai.

Strongly condemning the judgement on behalf of the Tamil National Movement, Venkatraman, in his interview added, “So far, all talks with the government have failed, so the formation of a committee to talk to farmers representatives by the Supreme Court appears as if the Supreme Court is acting on behalf of the government. It is clearly acting behalf of Modi.”

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