India is a failed mess -unmanageable, uncontrollable, hegemonic, unsafe

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India is a failed mess – rape, corruption, human rights, policing, civil governance, sham elections, troublesome and selfish leaders -you name it, India has it.

The significant criminality revealed across India’s election candidates, demonstrates just how dire and abject the Indian society, polity and Indian state is. India is a nearly lost cause.

This mega-rogue state, structure and socio-political octopus, has consumed all outlying regions and borders like Panjaab, Kashmir, Manipur and more, into its putrefying Hindu-Indian mess and maladministration. Anyone who tries to fix the endless, infinite corruption, pollution, rapes, genocidal mob violence, police brutality and torture, a total absence of law and order, child exploitation, caste oppression, that is mainstream India; is sadly venturing into an impossible task.

The Ten Gurus inspired, motivated and equipped and armed us with the radical philosophy and courageous soul to continue their initiated revolution. Those who dared to walk on that path, have been killed, imprisoned, murdered, homes and families destroyed, by the mighty rogue giant state of India through its embedded Hindu-Brahmin ruling class.

Central, middle India is Hindu majoritarian territory. It is prime Hindu RSS, Hindu supremacist territory. The Hindu cultured and conditioned masses of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat; are keen to impose and sustain their ‘Hindi, Hindu, Hindustan!’ supremacist programme on the outlying regions and nations. This is modern imperialism, in full flow, in all but name. This is Indianism and Indianisation.

As the last 70-years have acutely demonstrated, Hindu supremacism and Indian statehood and nationhood, are the two sides of the same coin. India is a failure as a state in regards to its chronic poverty and malnutrition, its law and order, its corruption, its non-existent human rights, its pollution levels. It is a mega-sized mess.

Panjaab, Kashmir, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu does not want to be part of this mess and want to be able to do their things in their own freeway. Hindu-India insists you must live under us, serve us, in the stink and mess that we are.
India is shouting from the rooftops and the world is deaf not to listen, “You are either with us or against us. If you do not toe the line, we will ban you, imprison you, shoot you, criminalise you.”

Do we dare to dissent?

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