Jathedars stick to 25 Dec as Guru Gobind Singh anniversary, Sikhs Angry

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Takht Jathedars declare 25 December as Guru Gobind Singh anniversary even though Sikhs are confounded and angry at Parkash Purab and Sahibzadas Shaheedi Fortnight falling during the same period as per the Akal Takht-SGPC amended Nanakshahi calendar.

The decision by the Jathedars at the Akal Takht meeting to observe the Birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh on 25 December will have far reaching implications on Sikh society as well as mar the relationship between Jathedar Akal Takht and the SGPC. Continuing to confound the Sikhs by forcing them to hold the Birth Anniversary celebrations of the Tenth Master and to be observe the martyrdom day of the Sahibzadas -the younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh during the Shaheedi week in the last week of December is unethical, irreligious and unfair to Sikh society.

The Jathedars have taken this decision in their own wisdom without much explanation to Sikhs. Under the influence of forces always on the lookout to destroy the separate identity of the Sikh people, Akal Takht Jathedar Sahib and the SGPC leadership grossly tampered with the Pal Singh Purewal developed Nanakshahi calendar in 2009, after having adopted it fully in 2003, now with their irrational decisions they have bamboozled with the confusion of dates of historical relevance to the Sikh people.

Castigating Jathedar Akal Takht for his Bikrami approach to the Sikh calendar, Dal Khalsa has outrightly rejected the decision, and has appealed to Sikh Sangat to celebrate the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh on 5 January.

When the Akal Takht leadership changed the true nature of the Nanakshahi calendar to a nearly Bikrami one, Pal Singh Purewal had warned them about the present dilemma when two Sikh historical dates, namely the Birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh the martyrdom day of Sahibzadas would likely fall on same dates, but unfortunately nobody listened to him and to those who protested the move of the Akali Takht and SGPC to change the Nanakshahi calendar.

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Pal Singh Purewal had then said, “They may temporarily resolve by changing the dates, but this will be a regular phenomenon” Purewal was forthright, “In its own best interests, the Sikh nation has no choice but to accept the original Nanakshahi calendar.”

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