Join and Share KhojGurbani’s unique A-Shabad-A-Day initiative

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In a unique, the first of its kind attempt, with the vision that every Sikh undertakes a reading and contemplation of Guru Granth Sahib, KhojGurbani launched its A-Sabad-A Day initiative on 1 September 2020. The dissemination of Gurbani as being done by KhojGurbani is a far-sighted endeavour to empower the community as well as enable those not born as Sikhs to understand the religiosity and spirituality of Sikh teachings as enshrined in God’s words revealed by the Gurus. World Sikh News appeals to all readers to join this initiative and on its part, WSN will soon make it a permanent feature on its website.

THINK OF THIS AS SEHAJ PATH DONE TOGETHER AND ON THE SAME SCHEDULE -BUT WITH A DIFFERENCE.  It will be accompanied by Gurmat Vichaar and will constitute our Amrit-vela, not in terms of clock-time, but as a priority.

Beginning with the opening verse, KhojGurbani presents a daily passage sequentially accompanied by a translation and narrative – in English text and an audio podcast in English and Punjabi.

Ravinder Singh tells us, “The project seeks to build a cyber-Sangat that is collectively engaged in an ongoing reading and study of the Guru Granth Sahib, with a view to building synergies around future leadership and knowledge production in the form of translations and commentaries.”

Not stopping at that, there is a supplementary text for the Sangat to build on with an exchange of ideas through their own interpretations, comments, questions, and ruminations.

As Ravinder Singh and Harvinder Singh -the sheet anchors of the program tell us, this new initiative of is destined to “bring Sikhs from across the world together on a common platform to read, study, and re-interpret the Guru Granth Sahib collectively – AS A SANGAT.”

Their noble intentions and the vast canvas that they propose to explore is clear from their three-pronged targets:

  • To forge a global community of Sikhs unified in love of Gurbani.
  • Develop a pool of future leaders steeped in Gurmat and
  • Collectively develop an alternative “every person” interpretation of Gurbani through an idiom and perspective that is contemporary and offers greater immediacy.

The promoters of this sincere and exemplary project seek 5-10 minutes of your valuable time every day. Can you spare 5 minutes?

The team at KhojGurbani provides the following free subscriptions:


In their passionate appeal to the Sangat, KhojGurbani team asks for 5-10 minutes in a day to partake the wisdom, the way of life, the beauty and unfathomable glory of Guru Granth Sahib. Can you spare 5 minutes?


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