Manjinder Singh Sirsa wins, hope Sikhs don’t lose

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Con­tin­u­ing the WSN cam­paign for pro­bity in DS­GMC, the ed­i­tor of WSN writes a cau­tion­ary con­grat­u­la­tory note to the newly elected Delhi leg­is­la­tor

Dear Manjinder Singh Sirsa
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

With the Grace of Akalpurakh and the overwhelming support of the electorate from the Rajouri Garden constituency in Delhi, particularly of the Sikh residents of the area, you have won this Delhi Assembly seat with a thumping majority.

Though I have strong reservations with someone like you, who after having won the DSGMC from Punjabi Bagh contested the MLA seat, I wish you well in your new journey into the political life of Delhi.

I would like to add a strong word of caution. Though you were the Shiromani Akali Dal candidate, you contested and won on the BJP symbol. The media has today touted it as a BJP victory. This dichotomous approach does not augur well for the Sikhs, particularly with the current firebrand aggressive Hindutva policy of the BJP.


During the course of electioneering, we have already seen attempts by you to engage with the electorate compromising Sikh principles and practices. This is very unfortunate. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a secular political leader par excellence; he did a lot for followers of all religions; for Hindus and Muslims in his kingdom and the many Christian stalwarts in his cabinet. However, he never stooped down to show a holier than thou attitude by following another person’s religious rituals.

When leaders of your stature do this, it shames the community and undermines the independent status of the Sikh religion.  My fear is that with victory in your lap, the BJP will willy-nilly create an atmosphere whereby you will be involved in activities inimical to the Sikh faith.  I beseech you to be careful and wise. You should continue to break new grounds in your political career but not at the cost of undermining Sikh ethos. If you stand your ground, nobody will force you, it is when you show weakness that others force you do things.

Importantly, it is in the fitness of things that you should resign from your membership of the DSGMC. The English proverb is apt, “you cannot have the cake and eat it too.” It is improper, unethical and unlawful to enjoy perks and facilities from two public offices.  You would be setting a good precedent if you resign from the membership of the DSGMC and refrain from participation in any activity during your political life that would undermine Sikhism and defame Sikhs.

With best wishes and prayers for success in your political life.

Jagmohan Singh
Editor, World Sikh News

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