Mother Na­ture

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Child-poet Harnoor Kaur Gre­wal is amazed and in­spired by the beauty of na­ture, the flora and fauna that sur­rounds hu­man so­ci­ety and its in­ter­play with the var­i­ous sea­sons en­rich­ing hu­man life. World Sikh News pre­sents this sec­ond poem of the young writer whose beau­ti­ful play of words is a treat to read.

THIS POEM AWAK­ENS US TO ALL TO THE PITI­FUL PLIGHT OF MOTHER NA­TURE as it gasps for life threat­ened by hu­man self­ish­ness and ir­re­spon­si­bil­ity. Since time im­memo­r­ial, na­ture has with­stood chal­lenges and on­slaughts.

Hu­mankind is now con­fronted with in­sa­tiable hu­man greed. The plas­tic in the oceans is killing sea life. The use of plas­tic in homes is chok­ing cities. We are obliv­i­ous to the im­pact of our un­nat­ural prac­tices on our own selves and the peo­ple and so­ci­eties around us.  Still, there is hope.  The aware­ness cre­ated by Swedish child en­vi­ron­men­tal­ist Greta Thun­berg, the Ugan­dan cli­mate ac­tivist Vanessa Nakate will force coun­tries to adopt na­ture-friendly poli­cies. I am sure that na­ture will bounce back and pre­sent its com­pas­sion­ate best in the years to come.

Na­ture tames the ag­gres­sive and wild
Be re­spect­ful, and con­cerned dear child
It heals us even when we load it with trash
Changes are worth­while and not brash
Na­ture nur­tures with a mind­ful tact
Pro­vides so­lu­tions easy and in­tact
Don’t mess with na­ture – The elixir of life
Re­spect, pre­serve, save it from strife
Be scared of her fury; her anger is blind
Earth­quakes, Tsunamis, Cy­clones – all un­kind
Be kind to your pets and the strays
Your treat­ment tells your com­pas­sion­ate ways
A trea­sure we in­her­ited over mil­lions of years
Pledge to pro­tect from in­hu­man­ity; save it from tears.

102 rec­om­mended

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