Neo-Hindutva leadership takes India on the road to fascism

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Narendra Modi reminds you of Hitler and Mussolini. His party -the Bharatiya Janta Party is hell-bent on destroying the moral and political fabric of India spreading hate and fear, with the world watching for pecuniary reasons and the established Sikh leadership shamelessly following this clearly anti-Sikh party and philosophy.

The opportunistic use of the monumental 1984 Sikh genocide, as casual electioneering rhetoric and taunting between India’s lead politicians, without any substantive action or concern for the affected victims much less preventing the same hate reoccurring; is both demeaning and disgusting and further typifies the nature of India’s political minds at the top level. It serves to remind us Sikhs and Panjaabis, of our lack of worth and marginality within the whole socio-political landscape of what is projected as ‘India’.

India is a political and territorial, over-sized superstructure, led and controlled by a putrefying political class, which seeks to project ‘Indian’ and ‘Hindu’ patriotism as its central, defining theme. Over its 70-years, it has revealed and demonstrated itself through its repeat actions as a centralising authoritarian state and its accompanying social, religious and political behaviour; to be an imposing and suffocating monster, which alienates, disaffects and diminishes its diverse social, ethnic and national peoples. ‘India’ is not the sum total of its diverse constituent communities and small nations. ‘India’ stands over and above them. It looks down on them, and expects submission and obedience -INDIANISM!

The sizzling banter about the 1984 crime against humanity (still unaddressed by a state which perpetrated it); is a demon­stra­tion of this rot­ten dis­ease of IN­DI­AN­ISM! The en­tire po­lit­i­cal class, politicians and political operatives  (that represent the Indian political network) that live and breathe in the pu­tre­fy­ing swamp of In­dian po­lit­i­cal, so­cial, eco­nomic and re­li­gious life; are men­tally con­di­tioned to play to the notorious agenda of ‘In­dia is great’, ‘Jai Hind’, kill and de­stroy all anti-In­dia dis­sent, kill the ‘sep­a­ratists’!

The emergence of the Bharatiya Janta Party -BJP, with its Hitler-like rabid and belligerent Modi (Aurangzeb reborn, as a Maharashtra leader, has appropriately labelled him), and the great risk that it will win the office once more now; has revealed entirely the core purpose and substance of the Indianistic phenomena.  machine.

‘Secular India’ was always a supremacist, centralist, authoritarian Hindu centric super-state in waiting! The capture of power by the overtly Hindu supremacist BJP, by hook or crook, was a natural product of intrinsic Hinduistic energies baying for the power that they so longed for. The Unitarian, mega state of ‘India’ based on ‘majoritarianism’, has provided the Hindu elite with the clear centralist political and territorial structure to impose their supremacist dream.

The Sikh leaders toeing this line is a sheer antithesis of everything that Sikhs and Sikhism stand for. The Sikhs in Punjab and Delhi have to weed them out of the political scene to protect their philosophy and destiny.

Individual Sikh, Muslim, Dalit collaborators to this Hindu-Indian power machine, are entirely normal and expected. The power relationship is such, in all parts of the world, and throughout history.

The whole Indian state and its gigantic machinery and mechanisms is a fascist, intolerant, undemocratic mega-structure, for Hindu supremacy, elitism, wherein even the hapless, powerless ‘low-caste’ Hindus are victims along with the non-Hindu peoples and nations locked into this mammoth political structure called ‘India’.

Indianism is the blind, profuse, rabid, belligerent projection of India as the sole, single. superimposing agenda, using all symbolism of Hindu rejuvenation, Hindu empowerment, Hindu liberation, etc, as its central rhetoric and symbolism. Hindu-dom and Hindutva are a crude territorial and political expression -hollow, defective and full of holes.

Disastrously, the international community, the ‘enlightened’ West and even the United Nations are so enamoured of this gargantuan India, that they virtually fail to see the downside in this vast sub-continent and hang on to the ‘peaceful’ tag of Gandhi. Such a fallacious understanding is purely based on economic and market considerations as they turn a blind eye to state repression against nationalities, regional identities, the questioning media and almost everybody else who raises a banner of dissidence.

Meanwhile, the authentic nations, peoples and societies of South Asia are forced to endure an ever more oppressive system of life under the all-mighty India.

For how long!

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