NTK leader Seeman calls farm laws repeal historic victory, congratulates Sikhs

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The reverberations of the Narendra Modi announcement to withdraw farm laws has been felt across the length and breadth of the country, similarly as the Farmers struggle had. Naam Tamilar Katchi leader Seeman in his statement released to the media has called it a historic victory. WSN reports.

The Union Government’s announcement to repeal the malicious, anti-agrarian farm laws is a great victory to the unparalleled struggle of the brave farmers of India. Not just settling with the verbal announcement, the Union Government should take immediate steps to repeal the anti-people farm laws in the parliament.

The tyrannical Modi government has now succumbed to the relentless, heroic protest by the agrarian communities who fought morally against all odds to repeal the three farm laws legislated by the Modi government in Parliament with an authoritarian attitude despite strong opposition by farmers and opposition parties.

Speaking to WSN, Seeman said, “My special congratulations to the people of Punjab for leading the struggle from the front. I salute all those 670 lives, who died in the year-long struggle.”

“The Sikh farmers have inspired us yet again to continue our struggles for our rights in a sincere and determined manner.”

Since assuming office, the Modi-led BJP government has misused its parliamentary strength and enacted various laws, and made amendments to the existing laws to pave way for profiteering private companies to allow the looting of the country’s natural resources.

Moreover, the three farm laws were imposed by the BJP-led union government to destroy the country’s backbone -agriculture, and turn farmers into mere wage-laborers of multi-national companies (MNCs).

My special congratulations to the people of Punjab for leading the struggle from the front. I salute all those 670 lives, who died in the year-long struggle.

The forthcoming elections in five states is the main reason the ruthless Modi government has announced repeal of farm laws, which had been arrogant not to heed to the protesting farmers for more than a year. The undeniable fact is that the Modi government, while the protesting farmers suffered various losses, lives lost, property destroyed and economy ruined, not bothered about those farmers, has now been forced to submit to the farmers’ struggle.

The farmers’ movement against the farm laws is another historical evidence of the fall of any powerful state before a determined revolution.

“My revolutionary greetings to the farming community who have achieved a historic victory that future generations will remember and cherish forever,” said NTK leader Seeman.

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