NTK’s Seeman eulogises Tamil Eelam sacrifices on 37th Martyrdom Day

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A remarkable young social activist and parenting educator -Thaarikha Salman hailing from Vellore reports on how 27 November is observed as Martyrdom Day worldwide and especially by Naam Tamilar Kathchi in Tamil Nadu. Braving incessant rain for three hours, thousands of Tamils gathered in Madurai listening with rapt attention to NTK leader Seeman extolling the virtues of martyrdom and the contribution of Eelam Tamils to the cause of Tamil sovereignty.

THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS AGO, on November 27, 1982, the Sri Lankan military onslaught on Tamil nationalist fighters lead to the martyrdom of Eelam Tamil fighters who laid down their lives for the cause of Tamil freedom. Observed as Maaverar Naal -Great Heroes Day, on this day, Tamil activists, politicians, thinkers and human rights defenders recall the sacrifices of the soldiers and leaders of the Tamil Liberation Tigers.

Participating in a well-attended function in Madurai, Naam Tamilar Katchi leader Seeman bowed his head in reverence to the martyrdom of the Eelam fighters and eulogised their great contribution for the cause of liberation of Tamil motherland.

Martyrdom Day Madurai 28 November 2019

Hailing the Tamil Eelam foot-soldiers and leaders, Seeman said, “Historically, since the dawn of civilisation, the human race has always stood up to persecution and tyranny in all its manifestations. The Tamil heroes flabbergasted the world with their innumerable sacrifices.”

“While the Sinhalese genocide of Tamils resulted in the movement for Tamil Eelam being crushed, yet the cries for self-determination for Eelam Tamils reverberating all across the Tamil world is our challenge to the oppressors. Worldwide, we share the pain and agony of our Tamil brethren and we will not rest till the world wakes up to the yearning of Tamil nationalists for justice and equal rights,” he added.

Tribute to the Unknown Soldier Madurai 27 November 2019

In his bold and inspiring speech, Seeman observed, “Every single race is struggling to live with dignity and sovereignty, and free from repression.  All Tamils dream to set up their first Tamil motherland. Tamil Eelam is the motherland of each and every Tamilian living around the globe aspires for it. We will continue our campaign until the world stands up for Tamils and their rights.”

Seeman at Madurai 28 November 2019

“The role of Prabhakaran at whose call rose thousands of heroes will serve as a guiding light for all times to come. The sacrifices of Tamils who died fighting in their zeal to extricate themselves from the tyranny of the Sinhalese government will stay etched in the hearts of every Tamil.”

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 Read also: CAB and NRC are unconstitutional says NTK on World Human Rights Day

 NTK leader Seeman greets Tamils on Prabhakaran's birth anniversary

Seeman lights the torch of martyrdom, Madurai, 27 November 2019Though the international community is aware of the dastardly crimes against humanity committed by Sri Lanka, we still have to wait for stringent action by world bodies.  As the Sinhalese people have voted the butcher of the Eelam Tamils as the President, these are testing times again.

Striking a personal note, he said, “the martyrdom of Tamil Eelam fighters will always serve as a reminder of our commitment in the journey towards liberation.”


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