Patna Sangat Seeks Akal Takht Action Over Maryada Violation During Indian President’s Visit

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In a development that has sent shockwaves throughout the Sikh community, the Sikh Sangat of Patna has urgently appealed to the highest religious authority, Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh Ji of the Akal Takht Sahib, seeking immediate intervention over the flagrant violation of Maryada – the Sikh Code of Conduct – at Takht Sri Harimandir Ji, Patna Sahib, during the recent visit of the Indian President Droupadi Murmu there. World Sikh News editor Jagmohan Singh reports on the basis of photographic and video evidence and after speaking to members of the Sangat who were present in the sanctum sanctorum and the Sangat which convened a meeting a day after the visit of the Indian President.

LOOK AT THE MAIN PICTURE CLOSELY. The President of India is inside Darbar Sahib, Takht Patna Sahib. Except for her security paraphernalia and the Prabandhak Committee team, there is not a single member of the Sikh Sangat.  There was no earthquake in Patna or another calamity that there was no Sangat. The Sangat, according to information gathered by The World Sikh News, numbered around 70-80 a majority of which were women.

In response to the security umbrella of the visiting dignitary, the Superintendent of Takht Patna Sahib -Daljit Singh, acting high and mighty and using strong words shooed away the Sangat from Darbar Sahib.  He was obviously executing orders from the Prabandhak Committee, who were complying with the administrative demand for an empty area prior to the President’s visit.

In a move that demonstrated sycophancy at its worst, the Takht Prabandhak Committee flagrantly displayed their subservience to the administrative and political system by hushing out the Sikh Sangat from Darbar Sahib, Takht Patna Sahib, grossly disrupting the sanctity of the holy place.

President visit Patna Sahib 2

Now have a close look at the photo above. Indian President Droupadi Murmao is surrounded by the members of the Takht Committee, her security cover personnel, and Sewadars of the Takht Committee on duty. There is not a single member of the Sangat in the Darbar Sahib.

Takht officials and police misbehaving with Sangat

WSN spoke to members of a family from Ludhiana who were part of the Sangat in Patna and who were pushed outside Darbar Sahib. The lady said, “I was totally devastated. This has never happened anywhere at any time. I join the Sangat in Patna seeking exemplary punishment for the Takht Committee.”

“I was totally devastated. This has never happened anywhere at any time. I join the Sangat in Patna seeking exemplary punishment for the Takht Committee.”

Surprised and shocked, Gursharanjit Singh, a former Senior Manager of Punjab and Sind Bank, who was also visiting Takht Sahib, told WSN that there was a Sikh lady from Singapore, who resisted the pushing by Sewadars led by Daljit Singh Superintendent, and that she was visibly upset and angry.

Manohar Singh Bagga, a senior leader of the Sikh community from Patna, under whose leadership the meeting of the Sangat was held, vociferously articulated the anguish of the community, “In the long history of our sacred institutions, no dignitary’s visit, no matter how esteemed, has ever superseded the sacredness of our traditions. This blatant deviation is not only unprecedented but deeply hurtful.”

“In the long history of our sacred institutions, no dignitary’s visit, no matter how esteemed, has ever superseded the sacredness of our traditions. This blatant deviation is not only unprecedented but deeply hurtful.”

The Sangat present inside the Takht Sahib engrossed in the Gurbani Kirtan, were forcibly evacuated to facilitate the President’s visit. Iqbal Singh Lucky Bagga, another influential voice within the community, lamented, “The Gurbani listeners were displaced. This has never happened before, not even when other high-profile dignitaries visited.”

Iqbal Singh Lucky BaggaIqbal Singh Lucky Bagga also pointed out the harassment to the Sangat who were locked inside their rooms and could not go to the Railway station for departure from Patna. He further apprised that schoolchildren returning home were also prevented from entering the Takht premises.

To address these grave concerns, a well-attended meeting of Sikh Sangat was convened in Patna. The gathering after an all-round discussion, with many leaders sharply criticizing the Takht Patna Sahib Committee’s alleged misconduct, resolved to unanimously pass a set of resolutions, the most prominent amongst which, urged Giani Raghbir Singh, Jathedar Akal Takht Sahib to summon the Takht Patna Sahib Committee to answer for their actions.

“This is unprecedented. This did not happen even when erstwhile President of India visited Takht Patna Sahib. We will not take it lying down. The Committee will have to pay a heavy price for this.”

The letter to the Jathedar Akal Takht says, “What’s astonishing and distressing is that the current management committee, did not resist the directions of administrative officials, which were contrary to Sikh religious practices and violated the sanctity of the historic place.”

“Perhaps for the first time in the history of the Takht Sahib, such an incident has taken place. Earlier, many dignitaries, including the former President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, had paid their respects at the birthplace of the Tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, but the Prabandhak Committee had never stooped to this level.”

An active member of the Sikh Sangat, who was extremely unhappy at the turn of events Iqbal Singh Lucky Bagga told WSN, “We have urged our Jathedar Sahib to summon the Prabandhak Committee members and officials, who are continuously violating the code of conduct, to the Akal Takht Sahib and punish them according to the Sikh code so that no other leader dares to commit such gross dishonour in the future.”

Maharaja Singh SonuMaharaja Singh Sonu, former Junior Vice President and currently officiating associate member highlighted additional concerns, ranging from the delayed elections to the Prabandhak Committee to allegations of corruption in purchases for the Takht Langar. “These series of events, when viewed together, paint a grim picture. Immediate action is the need of the hour,” he asserted.

“Delaying elections, corruption in purchases, misbehaviour with Sangat, giving free access to police and administrative officials at Takht Sahib -all of this makes us put our heads in shame. We appeal to Sangat worldwide to wake up and join hands to undo this huge damage to our sacred Sikh institutions.”

WSN learns that the charges of corruption and malfeasance have been levelled against Gurvinder Singh, who has been illegally nominated as a member of the Takht Prabandhak Committee, even before the elections to the new Prabandhak Committee are held.

As the term of the Prabandhak Committee is over, the Sangat in Patna has also requested Jathedar Akal Takht to form a sub-committee to oversee the celebrations of the forthcoming Gurpurab of Guru Gobind Singh Ji to ensure that there is no abuse of power.

Referring to collective responsibility, the Sangat of Patna sought the dismissal of Superintendent Daljit Singh, saying, “This congregation asserts that mere execution of orders from the Prabandhak Committee does not absolve Mr. Daljit Singh of his responsibilities. As a devout Sikh and a dedicated official of Takht Sahib, it was, and remains, his paramount duty to protect and preserve the sanctity and decorum of the revered Takht Sahib. The Sangat firmly believes that every Sikh, especially those in positions of responsibility, must prioritize the honour and traditions of our faith above everything else.

Though the Takht Prabandhak Committed attempted to save its skin through a lame-duck apology by Daljit Singh, in turn, they ended up accepting their lapse. Even a cursory reading of the so-called explanation shows how the Takht Patna Sahib Committee was asked to bend but they ended up crawling. If this trend continues, spineless leaders will have spineless staff and they will destroy the sanctity and decorum of the highest religious centres of Sikhism.

In a supportive gesture, Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh of Takht Damdama Sahib, in a recent video message, underscored the seriousness of the matter and emphasized the need for the Takht Patna Committee to seek forgiveness for the oversight. Reportedly, the Sangat is not satisfied with this and has asked him also to seek stringent action against the Prabandhak Committee.

Patan Sahib Committe and President

“The Takht Management Committee prioritized the protocol of the President over the respect and Maryada of the Takht Sahib.”

Clearly, as the petition to the Jathedar reads, “The Takht Management Committee prioritized the protocol of the President over the respect and Maryada of the Takht Sahib. The Takht Management Committee failed to convey to the President’s protocol officials, local administration, and police that the Sikh code of conduct and the sanctity of Darbar Sahib at Takht Patna Sahib or any Gurdwara is sacred and sacrosanct and cannot be compromised.”

Meeting Door closedHow mean can the Takht Committee gets can be gauged from the fact that when the Sikh Sangat wanted to hold a meeting in the meeting room at the Takht premises, the hall was locked and the keys were not made available. It is to the credit of the Sangat people that they gathered outside and conducted the proceedings, including the adoption of the resolutions.

Giani Raghbir Singh JiWSN learns that the Akal Takht Secretariat has sought an explanation from the Takht Patna Sahib Prabandhak Committee over the entire incident relating to the recent visit of the Indian President. However, till the filing of this report, the Takht Patna Sahib Committee has maintained silence over the matter.

It may be mentioned here that President Murmao, alighted from her vehicles a few steps away from the main gate of the Takht entrance and gently and humbly, waving to the gathered crowd walked into the premises.  Still, the overzealousness of the Protocol department needs to be questioned and the President’s office will look into this to ensure that this is not repeated at any religious place of worship.

The global Sikh community echoes the sentiments of the Sikh Sangat in Patna, amplifying the call for intervention. As the story unfolds, the Sikh community worldwide awaits decisive action, reaffirming that their religious traditions and sanctities remain uncompromised, irrespective of political influence.

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