The gen­tle­man Rawail Singh lived and died for Afghanistan

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Prit­pal Singh painfully shares per­sonal mem­o­ries of the Sikh lead­er­ship who were all killed in the re­cent sui­cide bomb at­tack in Jalal­abad. This is the first of of his trib­utes to the suave and gen­tle Rawail Singh. The text is brief but the videos pro­vide a peep into the lives of these gen­tle­men Sikh Afghans, who had the huge po­ten­tial to change the des­tiny of the Sikhs in a land which was once a part of the Sikh em­pire. 

Rawail Singh Singh was one of the Sikh Afghan lead­ers who was killed in a bomb ex­plo­sion on 1 July in Jalal­abad. Rawail Singh had lived hand­somely in tol­er­ant Afghanistan. He was al­ways hope­ful that things could change.

He be­lieved in a peace­ful fu­ture for Sikhs like him in his home­land  -and died for it.

 Read Also: Hindu Kush to Thames

The ac­com­pa­ny­ing YouTube video is a com­pi­la­tion of his short in­ter­views which I took in Afghanistan a few years ago. They have Eng­lish sub­ti­tles.

Rawail Singh

 Read Also: Sikh na­tion ral­lies for Afghan Sikhs, Akalis meet en­voy in Delhi

 Read Also: Afghan Sikhs killed, Sikhs protest, seek an­swers from Mus­lim world

Jour­nal­ist Ruchi Ku­mar writ­ing in For­eign Pol­icy says that, “Rawail Singh was one of the kind­est and most rec­og­niz­able faces in Kab­ul’s nascent civil so­ci­ety and one of the most ac­tive mem­bers of his com­mu­nity. He’d had many of­fers to help him and his fam­ily leave Afghanistan, but he in­sisted that he was a son of the Afghan soil and re­fused to de­part a coun­try where he still saw tremen­dous po­ten­tial.”



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