Re­claim your Sikh king­dom -Ma­ha­rani Jin­dan tells The Black Prince

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As a few days are left for The Black Prince to hit cin­e­mas world­wide in Pun­jabi, Eng­lish and Hindi (July 21), WSN pre­sents re­views from BBC, Reuters and ANI which are pop­u­lar on Face­book and YouTube by the im­mac­u­late Sha­bana Azmi, who plays the role of Ma­ha­rani Jin­dan -the mother of Ma­haraja Duleep Singh.

World Sikh News has called The Black Prince, “The Sikh movie of the cen­tury”. No Sikh should miss this movie (21 July) and the four se­ri­als that will fol­low it as a se­quel to re­live the legacy of the Sikh na­tion. Let this movie be­come a bench­mark for friends and foes of Sikhs, to learn “who the Sikhs are and who they were”. Re­mem­ber, don’t just book tick­ets for your fam­ily and friends, book shows and cin­ema halls for days and weeks. 

WSN pre­sents re­views from BBC, Reuters and ANI by the im­mac­u­late Sha­bana Azmi who plays the role of Ma­ha­rani Jind Kaur -the smart, good look­ing, seeped-in-his­tory mother of Ma­haraja Duleep Singh -en­acted by singer-ac­tor Satin­der Sar­taj. Ma­haraja Duleep Singh, de­spite all the fraud and chi­canery of the British in tak­ing him to Lon­don, chang­ing his re­li­gion, cosy­ing in to Queen Vic­to­ria,  lives up to the Sikh ideal so ably men­tioned by Gi­ani Gian Singh in Prachin Panth Prakash –“A Sikh is ei­ther a king or a rebel.”

WSN read­ers are in­vited to views these video in­ter­views of Sha­bana Azmi of The Black Prince and learn more about this glo­ri­ous and for­got­ten chap­ter 0f the Sikh peo­ple. View these re­views as only a few days (21 July) are left for The Black Prince to hit cin­e­mas world­wide in Pun­jabi, Eng­lish and Hindi.

Is­n’t it amaz­ing that a lady ac­tor who has made her mark in Bol­ly­wood cin­ema, in the Arts cin­ema off Bol­ly­wood, now plays the role of Ma­ha­rani Jind Kaur -the mother of the last King of Pun­jab -Ma­haraja Duleep Singh, who was snatched from her as a child by the de­cep­tive British who were scared of the Sikhs re­gain­ing their king­dom af­ter they had an­nexed it in 1849 af­ter the demise of Ma­haraja Ran­jit Singh.

Not only the Sikhs, but even the British cin­ema go­ers have re­dis­cov­ered the truths of An­glo-Sikh re­la­tion­ship, a tie which goes be­yond the events that ac­tu­ally hap­pened prior to the par­ti­tion of the In­dian con­ti­nent in 1947. As ex­pected, La­hore and its res­i­dents also nos­tal­gi­cally look for­ward to the movie as it was the cap­i­tal city of Ma­haraja Ran­jit Singh.

WSN read­ers are in­vited to views these video in­ter­views of Sha­bana Azmi of The Black Prince and learn more about this glo­ri­ous and for­got­ten chap­ter 0f the Sikh peo­ple. View these re­views as only a few days are left for The Black Prince to hit cin­e­mas world­wide in Pun­jabi, Eng­lish and Hindi.

“You were born to be a King. And a King you be­came, my son.” Be­lieve me, I have seen this scene a thou­sand times and every­time I see it, I feel that Ma­ha­rani Jin­dan is telling this not only to her son Ma­haraja Duleep Singh, but she is telling me, in fact, she is telling to every Sikh “Re­claim your king­dom.” Is­n’t it?

WSN pre­sents re­views from BBC and ANI by the im­mac­u­late Sha­bana Azmi which are very pop­u­lar on so­cial me­dia site Face­book and YouTube. The re­view by Reuters can be viewed di­rectly on YouTube. 

Sha­bana Azmi, nay Ma­ha­rani Jind Kau­r’s voice will re­ver­ber­ate in your ears, “You were born to be a King. And a King you be­came, my son.” Be­lieve me, I have seen this scene a thou­sand times and every­time I see it, I feel that Ma­ha­rani Jin­dan is telling this not only to her son Ma­haraja Duleep Singh, but she is telling me, in fact, she is telling to every Sikh “Re­claim your king­dom.” Is­n’t it?

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