Se­wak Jatha Dadar show­cases unique men­tor­ing pro­gram, de­vel­ops app

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Se­wak Jatha Dadar in Mum­bai de­vel­ops a unique men­tor­ing pro­gram for stu­dents to train them in learn­ing, aca­d­e­mic, man­age­ment and life skills.

To in­duce pro­fes­sion­al­ism in one’s work­ing, stay mo­ti­vated to pur­sue goals and be pre­pared to face the in­di­vid­ual and cor­po­rate chal­lenges of the pre­sent times, Se­wak Jatha Dadar in Mum­bai took a huge step in or­gan­is­ing a Men­tor-Mentee meet with Akash Tablet fame Sikh Cana­dian en­tre­pre­neur Suneet Singh Tuli lead­ing the pro­gramme with a pre­sen­ta­tion on lead­er­ship and life skills.

Called the Saga of Suc­cess, more than 225 stu­dents from dif­fer­ent aca­d­e­mic fields with par­ents, dig­ni­taries and pro­fes­sion­als at­tended the pro­gram at the NICO Hall in the east­ern Mum­bai sub­urb of Wadala.

Canada based En­tre­pre­neur Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO of Datawind and world-ac­claimed man­u­fac­turer of low cost Akash tabs made the key pre­sen­ta­tion on Lead­er­ship skills and Cor­po­rate val­ues in the light of Gur­bani teach­ings.  The fun-filled thought-processes en­riched the learn­ing ca­pac­i­ties of the par­tic­i­pants who were seen en­thu­si­as­ti­cally in­ter­act­ing with Suneet Singh dur­ing and af­ter the pro­gramme.

Preparatory Workshop

In a widely suc­cess­ful and in­for­ma­tive in­ter­ac­tion based on Gur­mat, par­tic­i­pants shared their per­spec­tive on Sewa and Daswandh. Elab­o­rate il­lus­tra­tions were given to par­tic­i­pants that Sewa is not re­stricted to ser­vice in a Gur­d­wara alone. Speak­ing to World Sikh News, sheet an­chor of Se­wak Jatha Dadar Bal­bir Singh said, “Daswandh is not re­stricted to one-tenth of our in­come. Sewa is much more than this. It in­cludes spend­ing one-tenth or more of our time in pro­vid­ing suc­cour and value to oth­ers, help­ing stu­dents, talk­ing to el­ders, nurs­ing the sick and do­ing pal­lia­tive care for ter­mi­nally ill pa­tients.” 

Un­rav­el­ling the ba­sic na­ture of the Men­tor-Mentee pro­gram, the or­gan­is­ers elab­o­rated on how the pro­gramme is meant to coach stu­dents from dif­fer­ent ed­u­ca­tional streams -IT, Sci­ence, Com­merce, En­gi­neer­ing, me­dia and oth­ers, with se­niors men­tor­ing the ju­niors and en­sur­ing that the chain does not break and goes on from one group and one year to an­other.

Daswandh is not re­stricted to one-tenth of our in­come. Sewa is much more than this. It in­cludes spend­ing one-tenth or more of our time in pro­vid­ing suc­cour and value to oth­ers, help­ing stu­dents, talk­ing to el­ders, nurs­ing the sick and do­ing pal­lia­tive care for ter­mi­nally ill pa­tients. ”.

In the past, Se­wak Jatha Dadar has also or­gan­ised prepara­tory work­shops of stu­dents for the ma­tric­u­la­tion ex­am­i­na­tion -Stan­dard X at Guru Tegh Ba­hadur Na­gar, Bhandup and Nanded in which more than 1000 stu­dents have par­tic­i­pated. To en­able par­ents to cope with peer pres­sures and moder­nity chal­lenges, pro­fes­sional par­ent­ing ses­sions are also held from time to time.

Go­ing high-tech and keep­ing pace with the times, Se­wak Jatha Dadar or SJD for you, has de­vel­oped an app, avail­able on Google store which en­lists up­com­ing news and events, though it needs to be up­dated.

A Section of Participants

Se­wak Jatha Dadar (SJD) in­vites stu­dents from Class XI on­wards to be part of the Men­tor-Mentee ac­tiv­ity and be in­volved as ei­ther a coach or be coached un­der the pro­gramme. 

Prospec­tive stu­dents are in­vited to meet SJD team at their counter on Gur­purab day 25 De­cem­ber 2017 or even share in­for­ma­tion through email at se­wak­ or Call on 83694 34773 and 98204 63256.



509 rec­om­mended

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