Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal: 100 years of a Po­lit­i­cal Party -Rise and Fall

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When was the last time you heard the hum­bling Akali cry of com­mit­ment –“Main maran, Panth jeeve” -Let Panth live, I am ready to die, asks writer-ac­tivist Jagdeesh Singh as he pin­points salient fea­tures of the rise and fall of the Akali Dal -from a vi­brant, vig­or­ous, Pan­thic, fight­ing van­guard, to its de­cay and de­scent into a cur­rent day anti-Panth, anti-Pan­jaab, sin­gle-fam­ily out­fit, with mul­ti­ple fac­tions which also do not ad­here to the glo­ri­ous de­mo­c­ra­tic tra­di­tions of the party. The WSN colum­nist ex­am­ines the con­tri­bu­tion of Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal in the con­text of its re­la­tion­ship with the peo­ple of Pan­jaab and its chang­ing pol­i­tics within the In­dian polity.

AS WE AP­PROACH THE 100TH FOUN­DA­TION DAY OF THE SHI­RO­MANI AKALI DAL ON 14 DE­CEM­BER 1920, it is time to look at the jour­ney of a party which once cham­pi­oned the com­mu­nity and en­deav­oured to se­cure a po­lit­i­cal po­si­tion for the Sikhs dur­ing the tu­mul­tuous par­ti­tion of the In­dian sub­con­ti­nent in 1947.

This well-known po­lit­i­cal or­gan­i­sa­tion with the Panth and Pan­jaab, to­day on its 100th an­niver­sary, stands in clear cri­sis and the wide­spread sense of dis­en­chant­ment and dis­af­fec­tion across both the Panth and Pan­jaabis. Post-1984, this once glo­ri­ous or­gan­i­sa­tion formed through in­tense strug­gles and sac­ri­fices, has be­come con­t­a­m­i­nated and scan­dalised for be­ing dom­i­nated and sin­gu­larly con­trolled by the Badal fam­ily and be­ing made into an en­tirely per­son­alised in­stru­ment for the Badal po­lit­i­cal em­pire and self-in­ter­est.

Post-1984, the story of the ‘Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal’ has been one of fail­ure, be­trayal and scan­dal; in sharp con­trast to its staunch, ag­i­tat­ing, cam­paign­ing, pa­tri­otic, pro-Panth, pro-Pan­jaab pre-1984 char­ac­ter.

Morcha Guru ka Bagh
The brave Akalis in the Guru ka Bagh Morcha

The de­ci­sion to form the Akali Dal as a po­lit­i­cal body for the rep­re­sen­ta­tion and ad­vo­cacy of Sikh con­cerns and as­pi­ra­tions, in De­cem­ber 1920, came about from the clearly grow­ing and rapidly emerg­ing con­scious­ness amongst Sikh ac­tivists and lead­ers in re­sponse to their acutely sub­ju­gated and state­less po­si­tion as a po­lit­i­cal ‘mi­nor­i­ty’ un­der British In­dia.

The Sikhs needed and the cir­cum­stances ne­ces­si­tated a po­lit­i­cal body to pro­ject their point of view in the pre­vail­ing British power struc­ture. Hav­ing been ren­dered a to­tally-sub­ju­gated and sub­dued na­tion with the British-In­dian em­pire (af­ter the in­tense British-Pan­jaab wars of 1845-1849), the Pan­jaabi-Sikh na­tion was now at the mercy and mis­ery of what­ever the British In­dian es­tab­lish­ment wanted to do.

Bhai Maharaj Singh & Kharak Singh in a prison in Calcutta
Bhai Maharaj Singh & Kharak Singh in a prison in Calcutta. Painting Courtesy:

Fol­low­ing the post-1849 decades of in­tense strug­gle and re­sis­tance to re­trieve their stolen sov­er­eign state­hood by the likes of Bhai Ma­haraj Singh, Bhai Kharag Singh, Kuka Lehar, et al, and the oc­cu­py­ing British power which wanted to crush any idea of a re­turn to an in­de­pen­dent Pan­jaab. The Pan­jaab and Panth ap­pear to have set­tled into a sub­dued ac­cep­tance of its con­di­tions of sub­ju­ga­tion and state­less­ness. This was fol­lowed by phases like the Singh Sabha Lehar (in the late 1800s) and then the Gur­d­wara Sud­har Lehar (1900-1925 circa). Along­side, came the rad­i­cal, pro-in­de­pen­dence Gadhr Lehar and the Bab­bar Akali Lehar be­tween 1910-1920 circa.

Into this mix, emerged the for­ma­tion of the ‘army of im­mor­tal’ Sikhs, with their iconic Khalsa blue tur­bans (banned post-1849 by the British power). The dar­ing and fiery ‘Akali Dal’ took its ti­tle and sym­bol­ism from the blue-at­tired Akali Ni­hangs who have fear­lessly fought for the Panth for cen­turies be­fore­hand and from their de­fi­ant brav­ery in the Khalsa Army which fought the in­com­ing British en­croach­ers dur­ing the 1845-1849 wars.

The British had seen the colour blue in bat­tle. It had made a dev­as­tat­ing im­print on the British psy­che, who sub­se­quently banned it al­to­gether to­gether with the Akali Ni­hang damalla -vivid, staunch cir­cu­lar tur­ban, and the en­tirety of Akali Ni­hang life and ex­is­tence in the land of Pan­jaab which they had seized and oc­cu­pied.

Akaali Ni­hang Singhs

Akali Nihang Singh
Akali Nihang Singhs

The Ni­hang van­guard of Pan­jaab was phys­i­cally dis­si­pated, dis­persed and de­feated, though the in­nate feel­ings raged on in­side. The British thought that they had bro­ken the blue spirit of the Sikhs and Pan­jaab. Pa­tri­o­tism can be sup­pressed, but not de­stroyed. The same vig­or­ous blue colour re-emerged in the for­ma­tion of the Akali Dal in 1920. A his­toric step for­ward for Sikhs and Pan­jaab.

This army of re­born Akalis was go­ing to fight with the same pas­sion and in­ten­sity for Sikh rights and pro­tec­tion, which the pre­ced­ing Akali Ni­hangs had done.

The Akali Dal, later adopt­ing the name of ‘Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal’, rapidly be­came a grow­ing force in Pan­jaab.

Un­for­tu­nately, rather than try­ing to unite and com­bine all Pan­jaabis away from the di­vi­sions which the British im­pe­ri­al­ists had im­planted, through their de­vi­ous di­vide and rule and frag­ment method­ol­ogy; the Akali Dal ap­peared to have adopted that same sec­tar­ian state of af­fairs. It be­came pre­dom­i­nantly and sin­gu­larly a party for the Sikhs, rather than all Pan­jaabis.

A crit­i­cal flaw, which would af­fect its di­rec­tion and pro­gres­sion over the com­ing decades. Sikhi is uni­fy­ing force for all Pan­jaabis; and a demon­stra­ble sav­iour for all Pan­jaabis. How­ever, we had be­come vic­tims of British colo­nial games.

Un­for­tu­nately, rather than try­ing to unite and com­bine all Pan­jaabis away from the di­vi­sions which the British im­pe­ri­al­ists had im­planted, through their de­vi­ous di­vide and rule and frag­ment method­ol­ogy; the Akali Dal ap­peared to have adopted that same sec­tar­ian state of af­fairs. It be­came pre­dom­i­nantly and sin­gu­larly a party for the Sikhs, rather than all Pan­jaabis.

Over the en­su­ing decades, the Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal fought var­i­ous cam­paigns with the British es­tab­lish­ment, se­cur­ing var­i­ous piece­meal con­ces­sions. In the messy and chaotic 1946-1947 British Trans­fer of Power process, it was ren­dered into a sec­ondary and in­con­se­quen­tial voice by the British es­tab­lish­ment who was pri­mar­ily and pre­dom­i­nantly con­cerned with se­cur­ing an easy, un­com­pli­cated and rapid exit strat­egy from an in­creas­ingly re­dun­dant, bur­den­some and fail­ing British In­dian em­pire. The Akali Dal came out of the whole gi­gan­tic mess of 1947 in a de­jected and de­mor­alised man­ner, with the dev­as­tat­ing dam­age done to Sikh lives and Pan­jaab as a whole.

Hand­ing power en bloc to a sin­gle In­dian Na­tional Con­gress po­lit­i­cal elite, to do as they please with the mass-scale sub­con­ti­nent In­dian em­pire that the British had forged in the first place by con­quer­ing and sub­sum­ing so many in­de­pen­dent ter­ri­to­r­ial na­tions: this would have been the eas­i­est and most con­ve­nient op­tion for the out­go­ing British. How­ever, the nu­mer­i­cally strong, vo­cal and vi­o­lent Mus­lim League-led Mus­lims were not go­ing to let such a ‘one-na­tion’ In­dia hap­pen. They ag­gres­sively in­sisted on their ‘two-na­tion’ pol­icy of a Hindu In­dia and Mus­lim Pak­istan di­vide, or fire and fury would take place – which it did all the same!

This pre­ced­ing jour­ney of the Akali Dal should pro­vide Sikhs and Pan­jaabis with key lessons and op­por­tu­ni­ties to form a new eth­i­cal-po­lit­i­cal force – one which is de­mo­c­ra­t­i­cally and pop­u­larly en­gaged with all sec­tions and strands of the Pan­jaabi na­tion -women, Dal­its, Kisans, Sikhs and Pan­jaabi trad­ing classes.

The nu­mer­i­cally minute Sikhs were viewed sim­ply as an ir­ri­tant and nui­sance in this whole scheme.

The cries of in­jus­tice and de­mands for ‘Azad Pan­jaab’, a re­turn of Pan­jaabi state­hood and Sikh state­hood met with whole­sale re­jec­tion from the British, Hindu In­dian Na­tional Con­gress and Mus­lim League. Pan­jaab and the Sikhs were on their own, at the mercy of these big­ger forces.

Master Tara Singh with Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Master Tara Singh with Mohammed Ali Jinnah

The British con­ceded to this rel­a­tively easy op­tion of draw­ing lines across the map of South Asia and cre­at­ing the twin states of In­dia and Pak­istan. The ‘mi­nor­i­ty’ Pan­jaab and many other re­gional na­tions, did not mat­ter. They could be dealt with by the suc­ces­sor states. The out­go­ing British had no time to waste or fuss over them.

The Akali Dal came through this bit­ter, geno­ci­dal, par­ti­tion episode; bat­tered and be­lea­guered. It had failed to se­cure any­thing for the Sikhs -vic­tims of the British power games and exit strate­gies.

From 1947 on­wards to 1984, the Akali Dal strug­gled bit­terly with the new tren­chant power of In­dia for jus­tice and rights for Sikhs and Pan­jaab. It con­tin­ued in the lim­ited and re­stric­tive groove of be­ing a po­lit­i­cal party for Sikhs, rather than for all Pan­jaabis.

Come the cul­mi­nat­ing events of June 1984, with the In­dian state’s two-pronged fi­nal so­lu­tion to the burn­ing Sikh ques­tion, in the form of two phases of the geno­ci­dal on­slaught. Firstly, di­rectly on the Sikh pop­u­la­tion in­side Pan­jaab. Then, in No­vem­ber 1984, on the Sikh pop­u­la­tion in Delhi and other ma­jor Sikh hotspots around In­dia.

Shiromani Akali Dal leaders in the seventies
Gurcharan Singh Tohra, Balwant Singh, Parkash Singh Badal, Surjit Singh Barnala, Balwant Singh Ramoowalia, Harchand Singh Longowal

In the iconic events of June 1984, whilst the heroic fig­ures like Sant Jar­nail Singh Bhin­dran­wale and his col­leagues vowed to die fight­ing the In­dian army on­slaught on the holi­est and most sov­er­eign in­sti­tu­tion of Pan­jaab and the Panth; the lead fig­ures of the Akali Dal – Harc­hand Singh Lon­gowal, Bal­want Singh Ramoowalia, Parkash Singh Badal, Gur­cha­ran Singh Tohra, sig­nally sur­ren­dered them­selves into the safe cus­tody and in­car­cer­a­tion of the In­dian state. None of them died. None were tor­tured. They were re­leased to con­tinue their po­lit­i­cal spree on Pan­jaab, with Badal emerg­ing as the most pro­lific and promi­nent.

It was from that crit­i­cal junc­ture, that we see the spi­ralling down­fall of the once rad­i­cal, de­ter­mined and dogged Akali Dal, into a dis­rep­utable, scan­dalised, band­wagon of the al­ready du­bi­ous Parkash Singh Badal who is en­abled and fa­cil­i­tated into a po­si­tion of full dic­ta­to­r­ial con­trol over this po­lit­i­cal party by the In­dian state.

Whilst all other Sikh groups and or­gan­i­sa­tions are be­ing vi­o­lently sub­dued, crushed and their lead­ers wiped out as en­e­mies of the state; Badal and his cronies are given space to grow and emerge as a po­lit­i­cal force. He be­comes the com­plete dic­ta­tor of the Akali Dal, col­lab­o­rat­ing with the In­dian state on mul­ti­ple lev­els to dam­age and de­stroy Pan­jaab and its peo­ple.

To­day, that once glo­ri­ous en­tity, is now a dis­fig­ured and ter­mi­nally-ill body politic, with im­mi­nent death and col­lapse in the wait­ing.

The rise and fall of such en­ti­ties are en­tirely nat­ural, in cor­re­spon­dence with the ebb and flow of chang­ing po­lit­i­cal cir­cum­stances and fac­tors. No sin­gle po­lit­i­cal body or group en­dures for­ever. Change, tran­si­tion, de­cay, de­vi­a­tion and dec­i­ma­tion: are all fre­quent hap­pen­ings.

It is worth com­par­ing this rise and fall of the Akali Dal with that of the sim­i­lar jour­ney of the All In­dia Mus­lim League founded in 1906 and the In­dian Na­tional Con­gress founded in 1885. Where are they now? In all three cases, the per­verse and fan­ci­ful be­lief that they would sur­vive for­ever and be on the top stage has blinded them all and led to their down­fall and self-im­plo­sion.

The rise and fall of such en­ti­ties are en­tirely nat­ural, in cor­re­spon­dence with the ebb and flow of chang­ing po­lit­i­cal cir­cum­stances and fac­tors. No sin­gle po­lit­i­cal body or group en­dures for­ever. Change, tran­si­tion, de­cay, de­vi­a­tion and dec­i­ma­tion: are all fre­quent hap­pen­ings.

The once buoy­ant, very pop­u­lar All In­dia Mus­lim League has long ago frag­mented and dis­ap­peared into near obliv­ion. The In­dian Na­tional Con­gress which re­mains af­flicted with its supreme sense of en­ti­tle­ment to rule for­ever is to­day so elec­torally emas­cu­lated and dec­i­mated that, an ex­cru­ci­at­ing death ap­pears to be its cer­tain fu­ture. The cur­rent Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal with all its sim­i­lar du­bi­ous and dis­rep­utable traits is now on its last legs too.

The pierc­ing motto vo­calised by the for­mer, pas­sion­ate leader of Shi­ro­mani Akali Dal Mas­ter Tara Singh, that ‘Main maran te Panth jeeve’ (I may die so that the Panth lives on); has com­pletely dis­ap­peared from the blood­stream of the cur­rent Badal-dom­i­nated Akali Dal. Its blood-stream has be­come can­cer­ous. It has now been ren­dered into a sink­ing ship with the Pan­jaabi masses now acutely fed-up with the pen­du­lum of con­tin­u­ing de­cay and de­struc­tion caused by os­cil­lat­ing Akali and Con­gress gov­ern­ments in In­dian con­trolled Pan­jaab.

This pre­ced­ing jour­ney of the Akali Dal should pro­vide Sikhs and Pan­jaabis with key lessons and op­por­tu­ni­ties to form a new eth­i­cal-po­lit­i­cal force – one which is de­mo­c­ra­t­i­cally and pop­u­larly en­gaged with all sec­tions and strands of the Pan­jaabi na­tion -women, Dal­its, Kisans, Sikhs and Pan­jaabi trad­ing classes.

The orig­i­nal and com­pre­hen­sive Sikh ide­al­ism and strug­gle which has ben­e­fited and nur­tured Pan­jaab through­out the cen­turies, which has the qual­i­ties, ef­fi­cien­cies and in­cli­na­tion of per­form­ing as an ex­cit­ing, for­ward-mov­ing, mod­ern po­lit­i­cal elec­toral force for Pan­jaabi na­tional em­pow­er­ment, self-de­ter­mi­na­tion and pos­i­tive gov­er­nance should be the key bench­marks.

367 rec­om­mended

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