Sikh Coalition paves the pathway in lobbying for Sikh Awareness

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The Sikh Coalition has set a classic example of how to engage with governmental agencies and train community activists and leaders to heighten awareness about Sikhism enabling the Sikhs to live fearlessly.

Unquestionably, the momentum generated by The Sikh Coalition through Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Months and official recognitions of Vaisakhi in various states of the United States of America, has enriched the Sikh community and also enabled many non-Sikh Americans to understand Sikhs and Sikhism, particularly opinion-makers.

In its report, the Sikh Coalition has noted that, “States like California, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington renewed and deepened their celebration of Sikh Americans, states like Colorado, Utah, Connecticut and Wisconsin passed their first-ever state-wide resolutions.”

It is indeed remarkable and praiseworthy that, “the Sikh Coalition worked with 54 bipartisan Congressional and Governors’ offices to celebrate Vaisakhi and show their support for the Sikh community by sharing social media posts on their platforms on April 14th, reaching a potential four million Americans. These Sikh awareness initiatives complimented federal developments, where legislators were able to introduce a Vaisakhi resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Not only that, Sikh Coalition tells us that, “Locally, Sikh community members worked with elected officials to secure at least 33 official Vaisakhi and Sikh Awareness resolutions and proclamations in cities, counties and school districts across the United States. Thanks to local Sikh leaders, this included first-time recognitions in Salt Lake City, UT; Lexington, KY; Olathe, KS; and more.

The Sikh Coalition also worked with community members to facilitate Vaisakhi celebrations in places such as East Queens, NY; New Castle, DE; New York City, NY; and Los Angeles, CA. Our staff also delivered Sikh Awareness Presentations to school children, law enforcement officers, museum attendees and to interfaith partners. At the Nagar Kirtan in Los Angeles and the Sikh Day Parade in New York City, we also made sure to focus on youth leadership and development, engaging youth community members in conversations and dialogue around Sikh awareness and identity. These are just a few of the many locally-organized events that occurred across the country.“

Sikhs mobilized in record numbers to use Vaisakhi as a proactive opportunity to engage their government officials,” said Senior Manager of Policy and Advocacy, Sim J. Singh. “Asking for Sikh Awareness and Vaisakhi recognitions is an excellent opportunity to begin building relationships with elected officials from both sides of the political aisle. These relationships increase Sikh awareness and community power.”

If anyone in India or elsewhere thought that Sikh Awareness Months are happening only because of the fear psychosis that grips the community in the Diaspora, read the report again. The Sikh Coalition’s work in creating awareness about Sikhs and Sikhism and even of other organisations that engage their communities around them in such a powerful way, is a tribute to their lobbying, negotiation and political skills.

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