Sikh Collective gears up to recommend to Rajya Sabha Educational Reforms Standing Committee

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Taking the window of opportunity provided by the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee on Education reforms, The Sikh Collective writes a letter to the chairperson of the Committee Dr Vinay Sahasrabuddhe seeking an extension of time beyond the last date of 15 July 2021 and also expresses genuine fears that this exercise may not become a tool to further perpetuate the injustice in textbooks to minorities by pushing the Hindutva agenda. Meanwhile, The Sikh Collective learns that a Committee of Sikh scholars and activists is already examining NCERT books and building a comprehensive list of suggestions to be presented to the Indian Upper House Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education, Women, Children, and Youth & Sports.

THE SIKH COLLECTIVE, in an email sent to Dr Vinay Sahasrabhudde, chairperson of the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee on educational reforms has sought an extension of at least 6-8 weeks from the present last date of 15 July 2021. The convenor of the grassroots movement body -Jagmohan Singh has said the extension will enable members of the public, academics to send in suggestions regarding inaccuracies, misrepresentation of facts, misinterpretation of religious writings, blasphemous overtones to religious and historical figures and glaring omissions, in textbooks prescribed by various Union of India agencies and state bodies.

The letter has sought clarity from the Committee regarding whether the changes are sought for books published by NCERT and state boards or any other publications also.

Dr Vinay SahasrabuddheSounding an alarm based on the Hindutva stance of the BJP government, the letter says that, “Sikhs have been victims of stereotyping and a gross misrepresentation of historical facts, particularly references to their Gurus and contemporary history. We believe that once you receive suggestions, the final draft of any text, which has historical connotations or religious references, must be reviewed by an unbiased community of scholars and activists for a fair description of a particular incident or event.”

“We hope that notwithstanding your political leanings, you and the members of the Rajya Sabha Standing committee will do due justice to this sensitive matter in a fair and judicious manner.  We, however, do not hesitate in emphasizing that this exercise, in the garb of making amendments should not become a tool to further aggravate injustice to minorities.”

Rajya Sabha Standing Committee on EducationAs per the notification of the Rajya Sabha, the suggestions are invited for the following:

  1. Removing references to unhistorical facts and distortions about our national heroes.
  2. Ensure equal or proportionate references to all periods of Indian history.
  3. Highlight roles of great historic women heroes.

The letter to the Member Parliament from Thane, Mumbai says, “Sikh bodies across the country are seized with the issue and are examining textbooks for the lacunae as mentioned in the parameters prescribed by the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee.”

“Sikh bodies across the country are seized with the issue and are examining textbooks for the lacunae as mentioned in the parameters prescribed by the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee.”

Citing the conditions of Covid19 pandemic, Jagmohan Singh of the Sikh Collective has said that “God willing, with Coronavirus being less severe, the extended time will provide time and space to provide the Rajya Sabha headed by you with accurate, authentic, proven facts for implementation in the next edition of syllabi of various subjects in the country.”

Singh Sabha Mumbai Creative on educational reformsSikh bodies in the country are also taking effective steps to involve Sikh Sangat in the exercise. Singh Sabha Mumbai has taken the initiative in Mumbai and has urged scholars to write directly to the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee.

The Sikh Collective has called for volunteers to assist in this endeavour. They have also sought suggestions from students, experts and academics to be sent to the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee. Emails may be sent to:

Those readers desirous of sending their concerns, ideas and suggestions to the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee directly, may send emails to: 

As the above video shows, the Muslim community is also rightly seized with the matter.

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