Since decades, Peshawari Sikhs visit Hari Singh Nalwa’s Jamraudh Fort

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World Sikh News presents a photo feature of the Sikhs of Peshawar, who for the first time in decades, paid respects to the Sikh general -Hari Singh Nalwa inside the historic Jamraudh fort on the occasion of his death anniversary.

Sikhs from the Peshawar region of Pakistan entered the historical environs of the Jamraudh fort build by Hari Singh Nalwa and observed his death anniversary amidst recalling his heroic contribution in building and protecting this historic fort and the entire region near the Khyber pass.

For the first time since the partition of the Indian sub-continent, in the presence of the officers of the Pakistan army, scores of Peshawari Sikhs witnessed the historical heritage of the Sikh kingdom inside the Jamraudh Fort, situated in the Khyber Pakhtoonwa region of the city of Peshawar.

At the young age of 46 years, on April 30, 1837, Hari Singh Nalwa of the Sukerchakia Misl was shot inside this fort and was cremated there by his adopted son Maha Singh Mirpuria in the presence of Misl Sardars.  The death anniversary was observed near his tomb, in the fort by the Guru Kalghidar Singh Sabha Gurdwara Bhai Joga Singh with recitation of Gurbani and Kirtan.

Peshawari Singhs were delighted to see the Fort interior which had witnessed the hey-days of the Sarkar-e-Khalsa. The pious and dedicated Sikhs of Peshawar recalled the giant Sikh personality, who to this day is reminisced for his hold in the region.

While a few Sikh facebook warriors shared the photo of Sikh general Hari Singh Nalwa, last week, Sikh social, religious and political organisations forgot to remember the contribution of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s general Hari Singh Nalwa on his death anniversary.

Belonging to Gujranwala, Hari Singh Nalwa fought 11 battles in his lifetime for Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

It is comforting to note that the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, in association with the Pakistan government is working towards renewed efforts to preserve and protect the sacred and historical sites of the Sikhs.

The significant role of Hari Singh Nalwa as a powerful commander in the North West Frontier Province led to mothers instilling fear in their wayward children saying, “Hari Aragle -Sleep soon, otherwise Hari Singh will come.”

Today, I wish I could say, Hari Singh, come soon. The community badly needs you!





Photo credit: Facebook Account of Peshawari Singhs.


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